Alistair Overeem is sure-footed of getting license by the NSAC – UFC News
Alistair Overeem, heavyweight contender in UFC, is pretty confident that his appeal for license to fight his upcoming bout with the Nevada State Athletic Commission will be accepted. Overeem is scheduled to enter the ring against the current UFC Champion
Junior Dos Santos next month. Overeem failed a recent surprise drug test due to which he is not allowed to go for the fight since he had elevated testosterone levels.
However, in his recent interview, Overeem’s manager showed high signs of confidence regarding the NSAC granting Overeem the permission to fight. The interview was conducted by Robert Kruck from InsideMMA. Robert revealed Overeem’s manager’s stamements. According
to Robert, “He said that Overeem is respectful for the Commission's process, and he is very hopeful that he will be granted his licence. The entire team is very confident that he will be facing Junior dos Santos come May 26. Now, Robinson also wanted to make
it very clear that despite other reports, Overeem did not test high for testosterone. Rather, his testosterone-to-epitesosterone ratio was off, and he has a reasonable explanation for why that is, which he will present to the Commission next Tuesday.”
He further said that many analysts are of the view that Overeem might use testosterone replacement therapies in order to lower the levels but Overeem has yet not indicated any such plans. He added that while speaking to the managing director of NSAC Kizer,
Overeem’s manager said that they are not thinking of any such replacement therapies, and that Overeem did not apply for a TRT exemption. This way, it is possible that Overeem will get the license to fight with the same TRT levels. He further revealed that
Overeem is planning to give reasonable time to think over the situation to the commission.
It should be noted here that champion Junior Dos Santos believes that the fight will be unjust if Overeem will be allowed to fight with the same TRT levels. Santos said that he is ready to fight Overeem if the UFC him to, but it will not be fair to him since
he has never taken any such drugs.