
All Blacks Vs Portugal?

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Do you think it will be safe for the Portugal team (all amateurs except 1 player who plays in French 3rd division) to play the number one team in the world who are all professionals?

Should the All Blacks take it easy?

What do you think the score will be?




  1. Its up to the coach and how he sees it, he would want to give the players some rest time and yet get them out on the paddock with some players getting some playing time under the belt as well.  Get the backs, wing men and the fullback some tries so they can go in the tournament with some confidence.  

    He's still trying to get combinations and game plans under way and as always fine tuning them so when they do hit a snag they will know what to do.

    They could play the reserves to get everyone a chance but I think it will be a tough call for Portugal to do well.

  2. The allblacks will score 150 points, not let up for a second...and will be high fiving themselves and patting each other on the back - every single step of the if they are playing the Saffas - in the final..

    It will be excrutiating to watch frankly.

  3. At the end of the day Portugal are playing in the world cup and therefore the all blacks should in no way go easy on them. If people think this is the case then the numbers competing should be cut, to eliminate the likes of portugal and namibia etc. I want to see crunching tackles, full commitment and a cricket score.

  4. good question andrew? But the all blacks play to win, they will treat portugal as another threat and will play to their full potential. The all blacks have no feelings other than to win. portugal will be massive in heart, they will be bigger than they are just to run on the pitch with the best team in the world.Portugal will win just for being on the pitch, dont worry about them.

  5. The All Blacks will be looking to give all their squad some game time against Portugal. For example you have a center playing on the wing, 5 forward reserves, a half injured lock starting, and no back up for number 10 in the bench.

    Despite this 'experimentation' the All Blacks will be foolish to not play to the best of their ability. This will not only cause an outcry over here at home in NZ, but it will be an insult to the Portugese and the All Black standards on a whole. The people here won't accept a 'half arsed' (excuse my language) performance. It won't be tolerated.

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