
All Football Fans What Are Your Thoughts On Vick Playing Again ??

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Michael Huyghue wants to sign Vick with the up-start United Football League In 2009 for app. $4 million a year. If he Is reinstated by Goodell. Do you feel he has served his time for the crime and should be allowed to play ? Huyghue feels he will be good for the UFL..




  1. he sucked befor he will suck then

  2. Most definitely.

    They violated his human rights. Fines and probation, yes. He should never have seen a second of jail time on the account of dogs. Some cows are just as intelligent as dogs. Such a waste of my tax dollars. And the govt. wonders why people try to get out of paying them.

    Vick's playing time should not have been affected by something so silly. If everyone loves animals so much, we should all be vegans. The animals we eat also bleed red. But hypocrisy will not allow most Americans to see that a man's life should not be destroyed because of dogs.

    I hope Vick gets every cent back in the end and that we see him in the NFL again.

  3. he should come to the dolphins

  4. For the most part, I agree with some of the guys above that it would be a wasted talent if he didn't play again.

    Then again, Goodell is a total badass when it comes to getting players reinstated. He's still not given Adam Jones the nod yet and he hasn't been in prison for 23 months!

    I get the feeling Goodell will just say no when the time comes around, especially as he's introducing all these new rules about player conduct, it would just make him look hypcritical.

  5. Why cant he? I'd personally love to see him play again. He was an exciting player. Realistically, his career will probably model that of Mike Tyson when he got out of jail.

  6. whites kill animals all the time and never go to jail....vick should play again....

  7. yea he will play again...i agree with jerry signing him i been saying that all far as vick out of shape vick's high school coach has been visiting him recently and he has said vick is in good shape both mentally and physically. he said he has accepted his wrong doings and is ready to get out and play...i say he comes back as a backup and starts shortly after

  8. He wont play in the nfl again

  9. i can't wait to see him back in the NFL.

  10. They should just throw the entire NFL in prison with him, then just have one giant prison league.

    It's not too far from it as things stand.  They can't even keep these multi-millionaire "affaleets" away from gang affiliation.

    But dae is keepin it real all up in there.

    F' the NFL and it's dirtball fans.

  11. Well i dont think he will be any good..

    He is probably not in shape

    and he will have 23 months of rust and thats real hard to work off.

    Well teams will give him a chance but i dont think he will make it

  12. He deserves to he's serving his time and I think he has learned his lesson. If not that would be great talent put to waste. I think he should play in the new UFL a publicity stunt to put people's minds back on him then he should be reinstated.  

  13. You know Uncle Jerry is just waiting to sign Vick.. He loves attention players.. TO, Tank, Adam...Vick will be a Cowboy in 2 years as back up QB/wide receiver...

    Go Cowboys!!

  14. why's right.  He might also head to the Raiders.  Al Davis is the same way, but Jerry would probably sign him without a second thought.

  15. Hr should be banned for life. There is no room in the Great game of Football for a thug like Vick. Besides, Vick was probably the most over-rated, over-hyped player of this era. He was a poor quarterback at best.

  16. I personally think he learned a lesson, well at least he should have. Give him another chance, people can change and 23 months is a long time to sit and think about the bad choices he made and how he needs to make some big turnarounds in his life. So why not let him have the chance to prove to people he is a new man and he is committed to being a responsible adult and be committed to the game. I'd love to see that.

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