
All Free Thinking Australian's should watch this?

by  |  earlier

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The only way we can fix this is for all aussies to be correctly informed as to what is really happening in the world of politics.

Please watch this and remember while you are watching this see how the clock is ticking over soon we will have no trees,no native animals,more global warming,and on and on we could go

Please watch this and keep it in mind when you go to vote

thank you

I am asking for help

Vote with your conscious

These are the real terrorists.




  1. Sounds like you define 'free thinking' as:

    Mindlessly agree with your opinions.

  2. I love how the left tries to disguise opinion as fact.

  3. Turnbull needs to stop all proceedings in this case and let all people have their say.  It is the "fast tracking" of procedures that is really worrying.  There has been so much mis-information put out there that people outside Tasmania don't know what is really going on.  It is typical of this government that they rush things through before anybody has time to oppose anything or even examine these things in detail.

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