
All I think about is food is that a bad thing?

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Okay all i think about is food and i like eat every second i get the chance. I'm starting to gain a couple pounds. what should i do to keep me from eating more food




  1. You could try having a drink of water whenever you feel like eating, that's supposed to fill you up and make you eat less.  

    Or you could just invest in some sugar-free chewing gum, which is what I use to try and calm my sweet-tooth down a bit lol.

  2. It's not a bad thing to think about could be thinking about much worse things!

    When people love food and start gaining weight because of it, it is probably because of the quality of the food as well as the quantity.

    My suggestion is take a look at what you are eating and how often you eat. If you eat nothing but junk food, you might want to cut down on that and replace it with apples, baby carrots, bananas, bell pepper strips, etc. It should make you feel better and help you keep weight off.

    If you eat those things, you won't have to worry about gaining SO much weight.

    Good luck.

  3. I constantly think about food too, but I'm always adjusting recies or trying to create new ones. Try drinking water, it could be that your thirsty and not hungry and your body is sending mixed messages. Drink at least 2L a day.

  4. maybe if you chew gum or something it will help you feel as if you are chewing/eating something but you won't really be taking in tons of calories

  5. I think about food a lot as well, but I certainly don't eat all the time.  If you feel like eating all the time, try eating filling foods like fruits and vegetables when you get a craving.  Or chew gum.  Or pop a breath mint.

    You might also want to ask your doctor why you feel compelled to eat every chance you get.  There could be an underlying illness.

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