
All Mc Cain has to do to win the election is choose a prominent female as VP, what do u think?

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think if he chooses a female: many of Clinton supporters will vote Mc Cain. Obama is a sitting duck now, he should have choosen Hillary. In Feb 2007 the GOP with the assistance of Fox News and other networks created the Obama phenomena in order to remove Hillary potential and the black man with his value (Reverand) is now time for his downfall.. if Mc Cain chooses a female VP he will guarntee the presidency, what do u think?




  1. It's going to take much more than this for him to win. He isn't what this country needs. Female V.P. or not. Nothing as a woman would cause me to vote for McCain. I love this country too much to do something that petty.

  2. Do you think people like hillary just b/c she was a woman?

    What are some prominent republican women?  Rice... maybe.  Not a shoe-in at all though.

  3. I think it would be a good choice. Obama picked Biden because he needed someone who will be taken seriously on important issues.  

  4. I think you're dreaming. I wouldn't vote for him even if he picked Hillary as a running mate.

  5. Maybe not Guarantee, but I think you may have a point. Us Libs are watching this closely, and I would remind you women, McCain has stated he is the pro-Life President, so he will load the Supreme Court Bench with Anti Roe V Wade Jurists..and woe is you if he wins...all your rights will disappear!!

  6. Sarah Palin would be a winning running mate, but he'll most likely pick Mitt Romney, and lose.

  7. There you go thinking like a liberal Democrat again...   Republicans don't choose candidates based on their skin color or what equipment they have between their legs...

  8. You apparently don't think highly of your fellow americans.  A lot of factors went into Obama winning the nomination, not the least of which was a badly run campaign by Clinton.  If she had been as successful at being on message at the beginning of the campaign as she was at the end then things might have been different.  But while she was finding her voice Obama resonated with voters and he was able to build momentum and keep it going.  He ran a strong campaign.  He wasn't a "creation" of Fox and the GOP.  The way Fox ran the Wright story into the ground is proof of that.  

  9. I don't think it's quite that simple, but I'd LOVE to see him choose Gov. Sarah Palin.

  10. that's a good idea.

    but whoever mccain picks as VP, i'm voting for him.  

  11. I think McCain should choose a black man.  He could choose hilary, but that would be too radical.  Colin Powel would be a good choice.

  12. That would make for a very interesting White House.  Maybe put National Inquirer on the staff.

  13. Umm no...most of the hiliary supporters will say they won't vote or vote for mccain but they will still vote democrat in the hear the same stuff every election. Fox wanted mccain to run aganist hillary....she would be destroyed in the election so why would they want her not too win? And chossing a female vp did nothing for mike's not going to sway female voters...who will most likely view it as nothing more then political pandering.

  14. If he can find the right woman, yes, I agree that would be very strong on his part and grab a lot of independents and obviously some ladies who would vote just for that purpose.  But not just any woman would work, it has to be the right person.

  15. The GOP isn't into affirmative action politics like the Democrats and the vast majority of Americans don't make their decisions that way, a fact that somehow is constantly lost on the Democratic party.

    The Republicans are in better shape than the Democrats because we have a selection of extremely well qualified candidates who would make excellent running mates for Sen. McCain.

    Unlike the candidates among whom Sen. Obama was forced to choose, the GOP short lost contains people who have serious executive experience, foreign policy credentials, and political savvy.

    My personal favorite is Tom Ridge, the very popular two-time governor of Pennsylvania, former Congressman, and the first Director of the Department of Homeland Security. Among all the candidate of either party, he is the very best qualified to step into the Oval Office if necessary.

    Ridge is extremely likable and gets along well with Republicans and Democrats alike.

    Ridge is a practicing Catholic with blue collar roots in Erie, PA but he's got the pro-choice sensibility to understand that everything isn't always black and white.

    He's the guy everyone would want as a next-door neighbor whether they live in a trailer park or a gated community - a rare person in today's political world.

    He gets it on the economy and international affairs.

    McCain is in a good position to win this election now and Ridge would put it away for him.

  16. I have long thought Condi Rice would be a good choice but she says she does not want the job.

    Off topic: I have a warning for Government & politics regulars;...

  17. That may be true. But I also think Romney is the obvious choice for VP.

  18. He won't get my vote no matter who he picks.

    OBAMA 08!  

  19. I think he should ask Hillary Clinton.  If he really feels she deserves to be VP...let him put up or shut up.

  20. There is nothing he can do to win, he is a moot point at best. Get used to saying President Obama!

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