
All Non Believers?has you god(s) ever done the following?Answer the following....?

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Ok isn't obeying your parents the fith comandment. Why do people choice to beleve nothing, there is allot to loose doing that




  1. If they were "non-believers" they wouldn't believe in any gods so the rest of your rambling would be ridiculous.  As a believer, but not a christian, my answers are:

    1.  Doctors heal - does that make them god?

    2 & 3.  My friends do these things - are they god?

    4.  The 10 commandments are christian only.  Harm none.  Short but sweet.

    5.  I believe in many gods and yes several pagan gods were sacrificial.  

    6.  Summerland is the closest to the christian heaven.

    7.  Yes because souls never die.

    8.  Most of the times but it had nothing to do with the bible.

    9.  I do believe - just not in your version of god.  I also believe in education.

    10.  Why would my gods need a radio or tv broadcast?  They aren't trying to rob people of their money like televangelists.

    11.  I won't repeat the words on here that I use in those instances.

    12.  I don't use the terms AD and BC especially since there is no proof that Jesus ever existed other than in your book of fairytales.  CE and BCE (current era & before current era) are the terms I use as do my children's history books.

  2. I don't have any gods.

  3. You ask NON believers if their GODS......WTF????

  4. Nope.

    And all my textbooks use B.C.E and C.E. As if anyone should believe in God simply because of a calendar system.

    And it's "disease" not "decease".

  5. )Healed you of any deceases?

    Huh? Do you mean diseases. Science has.

    2)Made you feel good when talking to them?


    3)Has it or they ever helped you or comfort you?

    yes, Actually

    4) do you have some laws that are also the 10 commandments?

    My own moral code

    5) did the god you live for die for you?

    My God is the consciousness of the entire universe. I'm a Deist and i don't think anyone wants the universe to end. It is expanding though.

    6) Is their a place like heaven in your belief?

    Yes, but I also believe in reincarnation

    7) Does your belief promise ever lasting life?

    Evolving to a point through reincarnation and Natural Selection until i no longer need a physical body.

    8)do you (did you) obey your parents(5th commandment in the Bible)?


    9)If you don't believe in anything , why do you believe 1+1=2, is one

    really true then?

    That is not a belief, that is math.

    10)Does you belief or god have a television or even a RADIO station here in the us or Even around the world?

    Cosmic background radiation is on all TV sets. That's the black and white static fuzz on a untuned channel.

    11) Do cry out to God or Jesus Christ, when you stub you toe, or get angry, or do you cry out to your god, or mystial being that you don't believe??

    I say Jesus Christ because it is common Vernacular and i was raised Roman Catholic.

    12)LAST but not least? Did your history text book say a.D. after Jesus death, and B.C. Before Christ, if so then why deny him now??

    Most of them now say CE and BCE

    CE Current Era

    BCE Before Current Era

    American Deist

  6. non believers blates aint gonna give a sh*t

    Whats with all the god related questions n all that c**p =S


    your wasting your time.

    im a non believer  

  7. I am not Christian but...

    YES I have seen healings

    YES I feel good when I talk to my God

    YES it has helped me

    NO my God did not die , my God is a God

    YES there is a heaven type place

    my beliefs promise eternal life for EVERYONE

    YES I love and respect my mother enough to obey her

    of course I believe in something

    NO my God doesnt have a radio station ( lol forgive the giggle )

    NO I dont say Jesus when I stub my toe

    AD has long been changed

    now ... is that ok with you ?

    my God also wants people to love each other

    not to judge each other or be arrogant to each other

  8. As a non-believer it should go without saying, all 12 of your questions receive a NO.

  9. A.D doesn't mean After Death, it means Anno Domini.  The answer to most of the other questions is no.

  10. No to all.  

    1+1 = 2.  if you can't understand why that remains true, just keep combing two items and adding them up until you do.

  11. I don't believe in any god. Therefore:

    1. No.

    2. No.

    3. No.

    4. Yes, some criminal and civil laws reflect some of the Christian 10 Commandments.

    5. No.

    6. No.

    7. No.

    8. Yes.

    9. I'm an atheist, not a nihilist.  Mathematics are absolute truth.

    10.  No.

    11.  No.

    12.  I don't remember, it's been at least dozen years.  Even if it did, the terms used in my history book to separate ancient and modern historical periods do not determine whether there is, in fact, any god.  Anyway, they have new abbreviations for those distinctions now, which are B.C.E. (Before Common Era) and C.E. (Common Era).

    You can pray all you want for me.  I don't think it'll do a lot of good.

  12. Being that I am free of the religious virus and know how to spell. All you have mentioned I receive from my belief in the Scientific Laws of the Universe and Biological Evolution.  DNa Rules.

  13. 1) no deity exists to heal anyone

    2) placebo

    3) placebo

    4) the ten commandments are copied from Hammurabi

    5) no god has ever existed to die for anyone

    6) no place like heaven anywhere

    7) no

    8) sometimes

    9) we made up 1 and 2, and logic binds the equation. There is nothing absolute about math.

    10) No deity has a media station, they are all owned by humans

    11) I don't cry out, i just fix the problem

    12) Ignoring that AD does not mean "after death", several of the days of the week are named after Norse Gods, does that mean they exist?

  14. 's 1-7, No, #8 yes, but not because of it being a commandment from the Bible. but out of respect and fear of the punishment. #9, atheists only believe that god does not exist. # 10, what has radio and tv have to do with a god? #11, No, I say "M...F...! #12, AD does not stand for after death, it is, Anno Domini, meaning year of our lord, because we live by a calendar created by the Catholic church, which still has nothing to do with belief. Save your prayers because they are of no use to me. The lake of fire is not real. h**l is the grave! Ok on #4 I'll give you that , but the reason there are laws against murder, stealing are not because of the Bible but by normal moral concepts. the number of bones and tendons have nothing to do with religion.

    The first 4 books in the New Testament were not written until about 40 years after the supposed crucifixion, and therefore, they may or may not be 100% true, as with the entire Bible. Finally, If you can entice your God or Savior to come and meet with me in person, I may believe in them, if they can prove who they are. I require proof in all things to believe in them 100%. I may think something is true but unless I have solid proof I don't state it as fact, only a maybe.

  15. [1)Healed you of any deceases?]

    There are plenty other healing and miracles from other religions.

    [2)Made you feel good when talking to them?]

    You don't need an imagianry god to make you feel good when you have friends.

    [3)Has it or they ever helped you or comfort you?]

    No, that is what loved ones are for.

    [4) do you have some laws that are also the 10 commandments?]

    Last time I checked, theft and murder were against the law reagurdless of your religion.

    [5) did the god you live for die for you?]

    He died, came back, but he went to heaven and never came back again.

    [6) Is their a place like heaven in your belief?]

    I don't know if heaven exist or not, and I don't car.

    [7) Does your belief promise ever lasting life?]

    Living forever would get boring eventually.

    [8)do you (did you) obey your parents(5th commandment in the Bible)?]

    What does that have to do with anything? Children of other religions obey their parents. They are normal people.

    [9)If you don't believe in anything , why do you believe 1+1=2, is one really true then?]

    Because if you have 1 apple and then you get another apple, that = two apples.

    [10)Does you belief or god have a television or even a RADIO station here in the us or Even around the world?]

    Not here in the US, because if they did you would have a screaming fit.

    [11) Do cry out to God or Jesus Christ, when you stub you toe, or get angry, or do you cry out to your god, or mystial being that you don't believe??]

    They probably do in other countries. Do you scream "oh Allah" when you stub your toe?

    [12)LAST but not least? Did your history text book say a.D. after Jesus death, and B.C. Before Christ, if so then why deny him now??]

    Ad stands for Anno Domini

  16. I think that you and I have different opinions on what 'non-believer' means...

    I don't have a god, so naturally,it won't be doing much...

  17. no, because a) Non believers by definition do not have a god and b) we dont suffer from "deceases"

  18. A.D. doesn't mean "after death." It means Anno Domini, which is Latin for "in the year of out lord." If having something named for a god makes them real, then that must mean the the Roman and Norse gods are just as real as The Christian god. The days of the week are named for the Norse gods, and the planets are named for the Roman gods. Why do you deny those gods? Your logic is horribly flawed. You might want to re-think this question so it makes more sense.

  19. none of the above.


  20. No, I don't have a God so I can't say I've done any of these. Though your God hasn't either seeing as he's not there and all

    The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike

  21. From a Buddhist (me) who was once Catholic and studied other religions in significant depth, to include many other "Christian" denominations:  NO to all of the above.

    I believe in deities and that there's a realm for them, however none of them are omnipotent.  Such a concept is illogical.


  22. 1-7 NO

    8 I did mind my parents most of the time

    9 its a math problem substantiated by fact.

    10 and 11 NO

    12 It is commonly thought that BC stands for "before Christ" and AD stands for "after death." This is only half correct. How could 1 B.C. have been "before Christ" and 1 A.D. been "after death"? BC does stand for "before Christ." AD actually stands for the Latin phrase "anno domini" which means "in the year of our Lord." The B.C. / A.D. dating system is not taught in the Bible. It actually was not fully implemented and accepted until several centuries after Jesus' death.

    It is interesting to note that the purpose of the BC / AD dating system was to make the birth of Jesus Christ the dividing point of world history. However, when the B.C. / A.D. system was being calculated, they actually made a mistake in pinpointing the year of Jesus' birth. Scholars later discovered that Jesus was actually born in around 4 BC, not 0 AD. That is not the crucial issue. The birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ are the "turning points" in world history. It is fitting, therefore, that Jesus Christ be the separation of "old" and "new." BC was "before Christ" and since His birth, we have been living "in the year of our Lord."

    Here is more input:

    Any reference to the "Year 0" is also a misnomer. The first year before an occasion (such as the birth of a historical Jesus) would be the year 1 BC. The event would occupy no time (or maybe just one day, depending on your definitions) and the first year after that event would be the year 1 AD. Since the terms were unknown at the occasion itself, there was no problem. ( An archeologist once tried to claim he found a Roman coin dated 3 BC. Think about it.) The confusion over the actual date of the millenium was based on this. Since the first year of the first millenium was the year "0001", the first year of the third millenium was therefore the year "2001". The thousands digit is always one less than the number of the "millenium"; this is the same confusion about the hundreds digit being one less than the "century". 1901 was the first year of the twentieth century, 2001 the first year of the twenty-first century. TMI? Hope you find what you need.

    Many recent writers, particularly in the scientific community, have recognized the uncertainty of "B.C." and "A.D." (some evidence suggests that Jesus may have been born around 2, 4 or 6 BC, for example!), and have adopted the notations B.C.E.--Before Common Era, and C.E.--Common Era--to reflect this.

    Anno domini was invented 525 years after the alleged birth of Jesus; The Anno Domini system was developed by a monk named Dionysius Exiguus (born in Scythia Minor) in Rome in 525, as an outcome of his work on calculating the date of Easter.

    So again, NO

  23. No, nor has your god ever done any of those things. He does not exist.

    I do not believe in any gods.  

  24. im a beleiver! u go man    god rules!

  25. No, my gods that I don't believe in have not done those things.

  26. Just because we don't follow Christianity doesn't mean we have no beliefs

  27. "Healed of any deceases".  LOL  Wow!

    Ask God for the ability to MAKE SENSE.  I don't know but I've been told that miracles happen.  Make me a believer...

  28. 1  No god has ever healed anyone of any disease.

    2  The only thing people are actually talking to when they think they are talking to a god is themselves.

    3  No god has ever actually helped comfort anyone.  People often comfort themselves by thinking about their god(s), but that is not the same thing.

    4  Many cultures have laws that are similar to three or four of the Ten Commandments.  Do I need to point out that several of the Ten are redundant?

    5  There are plenty of myths featuring gods making sacrifices of one kind or another, including their own lives.  Your god is not original in this regard either.

    6  Many religions believe in some form of afterlife.  There is nothing unique about the concept.

    7  Quite a few of them assume eternal life after death.  There is nothing unique in this concept either.  

    8  Many people obey their parents.  Quite a few rebel, too.  How does this validate your personal religion?

    9  Since when does atheism mean nihilism or solipsism?  

    10  How does wealth, influence, or media access have anything to do with truth?  Islam and Judaism both have access to the general media in the areas of the world where they dominate.  So what?

    11  If I exclaim "Holy ****!", that does not mean I am speaking of anything resembling sacredness or excrement.

    12  The choice of calendars used by the West today is arbitrary, and held in place by tradition and practicality.  This does not validate any particular faith.

    Do you have any idea of how incredibly concieted you sound?

  29. i don't have a god, dummy. that's why i'm a non-believer.

    and yours hasn't done any of those things either because he's made up.

  30. there are no gods in the the eyes of non beleivers

    unless you mean non believers specifically in YOUR god

    1-doctors and biology heal diseases, some dont get healed

    2-i feel good when talking to people, and thats what i do

    3-yes, some people have helped me and are a comfort to me

    4-yes its called the law

    5-inapplicable, being there is no god in being a non believer in god


    7-maybe, but it doesnt mean conscious and aware everlasting life

    just everlasting existence

    8-i respect my parents if thats what you mean

    9-i believe in plenty things, just not the same things as you, that doesnt mean i have no beleifs

    and 1+1=2 is our representation of a universal law, thats why i believe it, because its the truth of mathematics

    the numbers are just our interpritation of the truth, they are not the truth itself, but they represent the truth

    10- probably no

    11-sure of course, eveyrone does, its simple human anger and instinctual frustration, nothing in that,no hidden meaning im afraid

    12-i dont deny ad and bc exist, or that jesus existed,  i dont agree with them about who and what he was

  31. I'm confused. Do you mean Believers? Non-believers have no gods. If we had gods we'd be...well, you know.  

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