
All POETS, Bring your Best :D?

by  |  earlier

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What happens is that you write a peice of poetry in a standard 8 line spiel. The most imaginative or well written one will get 10 points; heres my example

Mystical dreams

Floating around me

Fairies & vines

Of a hollow tree

Running and skipping

Through my imagination

Mystical dreams

Betray my hallucination

Have Fun!!!




  1. Light fades

    Shadows all fall

    Slowly sinking

    The water becomes me

    Pressure amounts

    The body feels numb

    The light appears

    The mind awakes.

  2. How imaginative this be

    This task you have assigned

    I thank you for inviting me

    You are so very kind

    Should you like to hear my verse?

    Then I shall wrack my brain

    But there be no time for rehearse

    You'll have to try again

  3. Eight standard lines

    The usual spiel

    Imagine and write

    Get 10 points as

    Well and you might

    Wow the fans

    Take your bow

    Slings or Arro-

  4. I would love to reply here with a shorter work of mine but none of my poems are eight lines long. If you'll expand your rule to ten or less I'll post a ten-liner I've written that I'm proud of.

    EDIT: You didn't say yes so I'll post this one eight-liner I've written:

    Keeping Score

    Some play it for amusement

    and seek adventure only.

    Some play it for revenge and

    some play because they’re lonely.

    Some play to just play along

    and they play the game badly.

    But most play the game too long

    and end the game too sadly.

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