
All Scorpios are unfaithful, right? Or is it just a myth?

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Did you ever have a close and personal experience with a Scorpio lover? Are they really unceasingly unfaithful, as people often do treat them? Or they still can remain loyal to one partner?

Recently I have read this:

“Scorpios are extremely loyal and emotional though, always wanting to prove their love to their family and friends”, and then on the other web site I’ve read: “those Scorpios I know to be unfaithful are really, desperately unfaithful. It’s a losing battle with this man’s ego.”

What do you think? Is there a way to tell if a Scorpio is to be a faithful partner, or is it just an illusion?




  1. I am very loyal to my friends and when I find true love I will be so so loyal its just who I am

  2. right! i hate them!

  3. it depends on what sign that persons venus is in, i have venus in scorpio, venus ruling love, so my relationships are a all or nothing intense rollercoaster, its possible some scorpios have venus in sagiitarius, which i have found in my experience, these people, love variety, and like to go around town . . .peter pan syndrome . . .big flirts . . . just imagine the sign in that venus . . . in love or relationships, and you might get a clear idea, but scorpio in general are loyal, depending on its placement . . .

    if you read descriptions of geminis being unfaithful, thats just basing it on the sun sign (zodiac sign) but mf bf is gemini with venus in cancer, so he is emotional, very sensitive and loyal in realtionships. . . .other aspects in a persons chart add to loyalty . . .

    try out this link, to see others or your venus signs . . . and other interesting facts . . .

  4. MYTH! my mom is a scorpio she got divorced from her ex-husband becuase the ever so common bad mirrage and she's been married with my dad and no idication that she's been cheating on him (but i still hate my dad's guts ^_^)

  5. scorpio's are represented by the scorpian because they have a sting in their tail. they are not always unfaithful however a scorpio hurt or cheated on in the past will often have issues and may purposly go out to betray a future partner in order to get back at a previous one. although our personalities are made up by a various amount of different signs affecting different aspects of our life (work/family/communication.. etc) so one scorpio is always going to be different from another! :)

  6. Yes they are. This is my experience. They treat relationships like ' use and throw.'

  7. Not so--maybe the naive or unevolved scorpio (& that is true of every sign), but I think a lot of them would take the precaution to not enroll in an unsecure relationship (that could propel them to cheat)--b/c that won't even make them feel good anyway.

  8. I don't believe all Scorpios are unfaithful.  I'm certainly not.  Scorpios are very sensual, however, and many tend to bore easily.  Sometimes, that boredom may lead them to stray.  One thing I do know about Scorpios is that jealousy, when it comes to relationships, is one of our worst traits.  We can also tend to be vindictive and hold grudges for, literally, years.

  9. I am a Scorpion and unfortunately when my exes have hurt me, i have gone out deliberately to be unfaithful just to hurt them back, then i have left for good.

    However,I am now in a marriage that has lasted 17 years and i have never strayed and nor has my husband.

    I think it seriously depends on your partner, as they say when a Scorpion has been trod on, they will definitely STING.

  10. Me personally, I am very loyal. Actually to a fault. But I am a female. I think Male Scopio's Or "Scorpi-Hoes" as some would call them have a tendacy to stray. I've met a lot of male scorpio's and I can say, 90% of them were whores. I don't know if its because Scorpio is an emotional sign, so they do this to prevent themselves from getting hurt.

  11. I am a Scorpio, and have never been unfaithful.  I am a loyal friend and significant other.  Now I am not a man, perhaps they are different.  But I am ruled by my emotions as much as I hate to admit that.  Hope that you find the answer.  We can also run hot and cold sometimes.

  12. NO...don't base a person because of their horoscope..I personally love scropio..  I mean they say libra loves balance...well who doesn't...I love to argue and get my point across...(imma libra)

    The thing about relationship is by working on it to make it bloom and let it continue to show its beauty

  13. No,on the contrary they are fiercely loyal to their loved ones.I've dated many and faithfulnes was never an issue.

  14. My Life Partner is a Scorpio and we have lived more than 35 years now with the best of mutual understanding and we will continue to be so for the rest of our life.It all depends on the compatible signs.You can not talk of a sign in isolation.

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