
All Vegetarians/Vegans... ?

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I recently became a vegetarian. I've gotten mixed answers on this one. Do you eat seafood? My close friend who recently went vegetarian does, and I've seen on several websites that this is pretty common. I'm not going to base my decision on your answers, I just want to see what the general consensus is. Thanks!




  1. Most of the world's vegetarians enjoy the wonderful taste of fish.  

  2. im a veg, and i dont!

    they are  animals lol

  3. last i recall what you are talking about is an animal.

    thus...    that's not vegetarian.

  4. There are 6 different kinds of vegetarians.

    1) Lacto Ovo Vegetarians:

    The most common type of vegetarians is the lacto ovo vegetarians. Lacto is the Latin word for milk and ovo means eggs in Latin. The lacto ovo vegetarian do not eat any kind of meat including beef, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish, etc. However, they will eat dairy products and eggs.

    The lacto ovo vegetarian category is divided into two categories:

    a) A Lacto Vegetarian does not eat meat and eggs but does eat dairy foods.

    b) An Ovo Vegetarian does not eat meat and dairy products but does eat eggs.

    2) Pescatarias:

    The pescatarian or pescetarian are vegetarians who avoid eating meat but will continue eating fish and shellfish. The rationales behind the pescatarian diet are varied. Many choose this lifestyle for health concerns rather than ethical reasons. While others would claim that the fish industry is less cruel than the meat industry. Others will simply justify their decision by arguing that fish are less intelligent than farm animals.

    3) Vegans:

    They do not consume any product that was derived from animals including, of course, any kind of meat, fish, dairy products, eggs as well as honey and foods that contain gelatin. Some vegans would not touch cane sugar, beer and wine since animal products involve in the finishing process: cane sugar is filtered with bone char and some beer and wines are clarified with egg white. As part of the vegan ideology, vegans would not consume products made of leather, furs, pearls, etc.

    4) Raw Vegans:

    Also called raw foodists limit themselves to unprocessed food that has not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit or 46 degrees Celsius. Therefore, their diet mainly consists of raw vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. However, some of the raw foodists do consist raw food that was derived from animals in their diet including raw eggs, unheated dairy products and sushi.

    5) Macrobiotics:

    The macrobiotic diet is part of the macrobiotic methodology that was originated in Japan. The macrobiotics practitioners follow strict diet rules based on the principle of balance between yin and yang. The macrobiotic diet is based on whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and soy products. They are allowed to include seaweed and certain types of fish in their diet.

    6)Semi vegetarian:

    Semi-vegetarianism is a term used to describe the practice of excluding some meat (particularly red meat) from the diet while still consuming limited amounts of poultry, fish, and/or seafood In many references, a semi-vegetarian is also a flexitarian or "almost vegetarian". The term semi-vegetarian is sometimes also referred to as a diet that excludes "red meat". Semi-vegetarian diets are not vegetarian diets, which exclude ingestion of all animals.

    Hope I Helped.

  5. Your close friend is not a vegetarian and any website that tells you vegetarians eat animals is not a vegetarian website.  Look, it's really simple.  The defining feature of vegetarianism, the very essence of the concept of vegetarianism, is not eating dead animals.  There are no exceptions and there never have been.  There have just been ignorant people who think fish are plants.

    In the 1840s a group of people coined the word 'vegetarian' and then formed the Vegetarian Society, which has existed ever since.  It's their word, they made it up and nobody else gets to redefine it.  Here is their definition:

    And here is what they say about fish-eating:

  6. I don't eat any live creatures.

    I am vegetarian.

    make sure you include gelatin free items in your diet as that is from animals too

  7. Yeah they do. Its The only way of lyk gettin protein.


  8. Fish are not vegetables.

    A true vegetarian abstains from eating any kind of meat, including the kind the swims and the kind that has feathers. Its up to you. You can just abstain from certain meats, but then you really aren't a vegetarian by definition.

    Pescatarians eat fish.  

  9. Vegetarians DO NOT eat fish.  That is called pescatarian.  If you are becoming vegetarian because you want to help animals, eating fish is really hypocritical.  However, if you are becoming a vegetarian for other reasons, then it is not a big deal.

  10. I don't eat meat or fish, including seafoods....  but I never liked seafoods anyway even when I did eat meat!

  11. many vegatarians eat seafood so yes you can. haha i have yet to find out what i am cuz i only do not eat beef or pork. i only eat things that fly and swim. ugh i know the name for that... what is that?

  12. This is what the Vegetarian Society says about the topic:

    ''Vegetarians don’t eat fish and they never have. Many things have changed since The Vegetarian Society was founded in 1847 but two important definitions haven’t:

    “ VEGETARIAN” – someone who doesn’t eat animals

    “ FISH” – cold-blooded, water-dwelling animal

    Fish may not appear as cute and cuddly as young lambs, however they do feel pain and they do suffer. The fishing industry is responsible for some of the most environmentally damaging practices affecting our seas and oceans today. What’s more eating fish can be bad for your health''.

    You could eat fish if you want, but you wouldn't be vegetarian. Vegetarians don't eat fish, seafood or the flesh of ANY animal.

  13. no, i don't eat seafood. a fish is still an animal, and vegetarians don't eat animals, so i don't see how people can be vegetarians if they eat fish!  

  14. i don't eat animals.  just plants.  i like seaweed, but not shrimp.  besides the main issue of not killing, its also healthy to stay away from a lot of possible toxins in the fish (like mercury).  highest on the food chain means you also get all the toxins and in bigger concentrations.

  15. i eat seafood because I am a pescatarian. I also eat eggs an dairy products for the record

  16. I don't eat seafoods. I am a raw vegan though.

  17. yeah I'm vegetarian too. at first i ate only seafood...

    and then my friends kept saying that i wasn't vegetarian if i ate seafood, so eventually i just stopped. but its up to what you want

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