
All a coincidence?

by Guest56467  |  earlier

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I always seem to know something before it happens, but I don't know if it is a coincidence or not. LIke one time at school I was singing "It's raining men" :P (don't ask) and then when I got into the car and turned up the radio that song was playing. Also I was singing to my friend as a joke, "I hate everything about you!" and then again I went into the car and that song was playing on the radio. Also I usually can guess the time before I know what time it is. One time I was reading a book and I said that I would go to bed at 12:00 p.m. So then while I was reading something inside of me told me to look at my clock and it was 12 p.m. That clock thing always happens to me. This is really long but I also always get a tingle in my back and it makes me feel like someone is watching me. Anyone want to explain?




  1. You may just be constipated.

  2. I know what you mean. If I go out and rent a movie, sure enough it will come on TV within a week. I think certain people with leadership qualities are being monitered for direction. Most of society is lost. What they need is a light to show them the way. May the force be with you.

  3. Maybe, maybe not. First, radio stations usually only play and replay and replay so many songs on the radio as anyone that listens to any whole show (4 hours) much less more than this will readily tell you. So, if the song is on the current hot list it is more likely to be chance that it played right after you thought about it. If it was a song not normally played that the DJ just had a request for or decided to play an oldie (which also is not a song that he normally plays) then this would be evidence of something possibly beyond chance.

    If you carry a tape recorder (ipods can record) or just pen and paper you can track every time you sing or think of a song before you get in the car and see how often you are right and how often not.

    Once, you establish this ability then one can look for explanation beyond chance like ESP but not until then.

    Second, Some people have an excellent sense of time. If you look at the clock and it says 11:30 and you decide to read for 30 minutes it is possible that you calculate (subconsciously) your reading speed and other variables and you sense when 30 minutes have passed. On the other hand some people have what is called high absorption (getting lost into a book and blocking out everything else) and then they have a very poor judgment about time passing. Now if you didn't look at the clock before or have any idea what time it was when you started then that would be unusual but again you would have to log/journal these events to show they were consistent since you have a one out of 24 chance of getting any time of day or night right, slightly higher chance if you can see the sun or that it is dark outside.

    Third, there are many reasons why people can feel they are being watched. For instance certain substances can cause paranoia , high electro magnetic fields can cause what is known as a "sense of presence" (feeling someone is in the room with you), and of course actually being watched by someone can cause this as well.

    People do seem to have an ability (sometimes not even consciously) to detect the awareness of other.

    I have included a link below to a book by a biologist that has studied this ability.


  4. This happens to everyone at one time or another.  However, there is a little bit of confirmation bias at play here.

    You were singing "It's Raining Men" and then it's on the radio.  Think of all the times you've sung that song and didn't hear it on the radio.  (Also, consider that perhaps it was in the rotation at that radio station at that time and that's where you picked it up to begin with.)

    Same with the clock.  You know the general time, so when you look up at it thinking it might be 12:00 (You go to bed at noon?) you had a lucky guess.  Think of all the times you look at the clock guessing incorrectly.

  5. At our neighborhood bar they installed an internet jukebox.  After sitting idle for awhile it will spit out a random song.  This jukebox has literally thousands of songs in it  We were talking about Johnny Lee Hooker's song "One Boubon, One Scotch and One Beer."  I said that I liked the George Thorogood version too.  Words were barley out of my mouth and the song came on the box.  Little bit wierd.

    Another time,  I was thinking about a friend I hadn't seen or heard from in several years.  My phone rang as I thinking of her.  Yep.  It was her.

  6. This used to happen to me almost all the time...the radio thing!! Not just with songs...even things that people would say if it was a talk show etc. I just mentioned this on another question on here lately. I don't listen to the radio anymore. Once in awhile it happens with the tv. I think that the more you pay attention to it and encourage it ...the more it happens.  I don't understand why it happens either. I think it's really weird. Wonder if we're connected somehow through radio waves. There are a lot of things we don't know about..yet. That's why"they" call it.. a "mystery"! lol

  7. Hmmmm..........You seem to be showing signs of genuine precognition skills,a very special human ability.Everything you just mentioned has happened to my family and I.Maybe these articles can help you understand whats going on:

  8. i cant explain but that happens to me to

    like ill be singin a song and that artist is on

    and i always look at the clock when its 9:11

    every morning and night and i can guess the

    time too or atleast a minute or two off

    i cant explain it but i got somethin similar

  9. U GOT SUPER physic POWERS i guess.

    try singing " CONGRATULATIONS AND CELEBRATIONS..........

  10. First you said 'you always know' and then you give a couple of examples.  Try this - before you turn on the radio everytime, guess what song is playing.  You'll soon realize that's it just a coincidence that you got it a few times - it happens to everyone once in a while.

    As for the time thing, many people have internal clocks - I will wake up for important meetings or flights even if my alarm doesn't go off.  It's not paranormal, it's actually rather common.

  11. Some people are exceptionally "tuned" in (pardon the pun) you may be able to discern the electrical patterns of certain songs playing at your local radio station that transmits over a wide area - this is just a theory but  radio stations pump out at least 50000 watts of electrical signals, some people have reported picking up songs on their tooth fillings (silver) in certain situations. Since our bodies are bio-electrictrically driven by our nervous system, it could be possible to "tune" into electrical impulses that are in the atmosphere.

    As for the clock - everyone does have an internal clock (as explained in an earlier answer) - some people are better than others at it ( If I am having an unusually restless night I wake up exactly on the hour and half hour) you probably notice it cause it happens more often to you.
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