Hi Everyone,
I am currently living in the United States and would really love to Study for my MBA in France.
The Problem is I know nothing about the educational system there. Though I have done a couple researches as to find out about reputable schools out there, it seems like a daunting task right now.
There are some questions I would like answered:
- I was told that education in France is free; I don’t know if that is true for only French and, EU citizens or if it applies to international student too.
-Can an international student get scholarship or some kind of aid/grant?
- What is it like for a black foreigner in France?
- What is the cost of living like—(pick a state) in comparison to a state like California?
-The same question applies to getting a job out there.
So, if there anyone out there with some knowledge of the French higher educational system, Kindly respond please. Any help would be highly appreciated.