I've recently fell in love with the country after reading and a faint memory when I visited back in 2000, and found the place to be quite interesting. The question I have is whether Panama has a large Caribbean community (Jamaican mainly) and where do they live. Puerto Rico was interesting until I got the all the facts about the place (visited and friends) and realized that Panama would be a better country, for me. Please can native Panamanians or people who live/lived there answer ;
1.What are the people like/women?
2. Flourishing business industries?
3. Infrastructure?
4. Lifestyle/Culture/ cost of living
5. what % actually speak English
and is the country accepting of people from other places?
I know the answers to some of these questions but would like other peoples opinions, and any other information that might be helpful
I have a Masters Degree in International Business and am currently in attending Spanish classes.