
All about midwifery?

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heya, im interested in becomming a midwife when im older and want to know a few things. First of all how many grades in your GCSEs do you need and which ones? Also whats the difference between a diploma and the degree and which woul i beefit from more by doing? i hope you can help and tell me about the training and then the qualifying of the course.

No nasty comments please x x




  1. I know you need to get the RN degree then go back for midwife specific classes. Another 4 years to be a CNM but you have to take infant classes because midwives have to be trained to take care of sick newborns just incase.

  2. I was interested in becoming a midwife. I passed all my GCSE's adn then went on to do a National Diploma in Health in college for 2 years. I was told thatif I still wanted to be a midwife I would have to go to university for 3 uears to do nursing then do a couple of years as a midwife. Not sure if it's still like it now. Hope this helps

  3. Good choice of career. I want to do midwifery too. Are you going to go straight down the midwifery route when school has finished or down the nursing route first?

    I was told that i would need a minimum of 5 A to C gcse's, three of them being Maths and English and a science subject (Biology etc). But, I found another route to nursing and midwifery though by doing an access to nursing and health pathway.

    The difference between a diploma and a degree is:

    A diploma is a certificate of a completion or graduation

    A degree means you have been educated at a college or university in a certain subject, and that you are well educated in that area.

    A degree is better as you can get allsorts of levels. Two of them are a batchelor and a doctorate degree.

    I would say though start doing your revision now on midwifery/nursing courses and what kind of funding you could get if needed and stuff like that. That way you will be better prepared for when you actually do finish school.

    Good Luck.

    EDIT*: by the way i came across this website while at college. Maybe you could have a look at it, it has all of the facts of jobs in the NHS,  quizzes on whether that particular job is right for you etc. It also has good advice and information. It is actually for people who are planning to leave school and go into the nursing/health professions.

    You could also talk to a careers advisor at connexions too.

  4. Don't see why people would be nasty on this question, it is quite a good question :)

    It mostly depends on the university you are thinking of going to.

    You MUST have a Science subject though, as it would be in hospitals - that alsincludes A-Levels(Highers).

  5. I would ask this in the careers forum

  6. Hey that's a really cool profession! Here is a bunch of information if you're still in school I would recommend talking to a career advisor, he or she can help you out with the programs necessary to become a midwife.
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