
All are saying that computer engineer are not getting good salaries?

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All are saying that computer engineer are not getting good salaries?




  1. Nope...Actually they are getting very good salary

    Also i heard after obama comes as president....he wont let outsourcing and he will give first preferences to localites only.Is true or not

  2. Saying can be treated in that way alone ,but in true sense they are getting what they deserve .

  3. I've heard that too, but it really depends on what you mean by good salaries.

    Been told sizable numbers of the jobs in IT have been moved to places like India, much like what is happening with Call centres etc. While the wages, and therefore costs, are undeniably lower, it's got a lot to do with the firms needing to move to areas where they can find/train people to fill their jobs. Compared to the cost of living there, the wages for computer engineers in India, are still very good.

    Some jobs can't be moved easily. These would tend to be stuff like IT jobs which need physical access to machines, which have to be in a particular location (eg the people who do the physical maintenance on servers NEED to be near them)

    Given a decent Internet connection, programming of complex programs can be done just about ANYWHERE people have the skills.

  4. Conditions will improve soon.

  5. The answers above are very vague.

    I have my degree in electrical engineering which encompasses computer engineering for many schools.

    If you are very good at digital design / verilog / assembly language then there is a market for you in design especially with the growing semiconductor industry.

    Otherwise many computer engineering jobs are being outsourced. China graduates more computer engineers  in a year then the U.S. does in ten. It may be easier to find good work in the Hardware / Analog / Software field.

    If you focus in software as a computer engineer then there are plenty opportunity's, especially now, but in order to be competitive you should have your master's degree. Most engineers are going for their master's or have subsequently gone back to earn one.

    Starting salary for a computer engineer depends on the region. Go to to check it out. I have a few friends who are computer engineers in digital design and software.

    Their starting salary with a Masters was around $75k and with a bachelors was around $63k.

  6. The starting salary for a computer engineer is about $60,000 with a BA degree. According to my school adviser. That's pretty good for starting and I don't see that getting any lower right now with how fast technology is advancing and the needs of computer engineers for it.

  7. I agree, do software engineering, it pays much higher and there are a lot of jobs.

  8. I've heard just the related fields are one of the fastest growing, best paying job markets available.  I suppose you should define 'good salary'....

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