
All are welcome for this question...(Intelligent Brotha's & Sista's definitely)?

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I've noticed that alot of people (the obvious opposite of my race) uses the internet i.e. blogs, archives, Yahoo!Answers, and other well broad casted media to vent out their hatred on black people, and other races as well.

With that being said, it kind of makes me think that if there is that majority of people of that race that feels that way. Then how can you tell if these are those same people you walk, talk, joke, eat, and drink with. Not only recreational cohabition, but in the workforce as well. It's sad that people disguise certain feelings, but I think what's done in the dark will always show in the light.

Open for discussion...

And for the immature slanderers, this is an observation/question for intelligent people. So if you feel the need to bad mouth, please do not insult your IQ by using bad words...bad words show how unintelligent you are. Find a thesaurus




  1. well,this is just try to get along with people.I do not like black people this is true,but in this world when I do see some I just do the best to coexist with them...and I am NOT  ashamed to be "racist"  I just prefer to not be around blacks..and when I see em I try to,they may be nice to your face because its the "mature" thing to do and hate ya behind your me

  2. The truth is you can't really be sure if these internet racists are people you know. But being Anglo myself, people tell me racist things all the time, obviously not in the company of any people they are describing.

    Be thankful that racism has moved out of the public eye/opinion to ignorant mutterings under people's breath.

    But don't ever kid yourself racism is still very alive and well.

  3. I think they're just ignorant of who we are. Most other nationalities and even people here in the States only know us through the media; rappers, sports and the violence in the news. Heck even Naomi Campbell is giving black models a bad name. The media rarely shows the hard working, educated, civil, joyous people we also are. We have a lot to overcome and I would put our image around the world near the top of the list.  

  4. Prejudiced people have bigger mouths.

  5. I grew up with very racist family and picked up many bad things from them. As an adult I had one of those moments that helped me change my life. My friend said to me...I think every single person I meet is like a hot fudge sundae, you just can't have a bad one. Ever since that moment, I lived differently. I don't let those bad thoughts and feeling take over. I think it all comes down to ignorance.

  6. Being a racist is a social stigma now. Was trendy back in the days though. If closet racists were to let their counterparts know that they were racist, they would be they vent anonymously on the internets.

  7. Well I know for a fact that I don't vent my frustrations in the closet, I do it right then and there on the spot. Lol.

    I really don't think as many people are as racist as you think they are. Just look at how many caucasion's voted for Obama for example.... Unfortunately some people on Y!A and other blogs and forums just happen to be racist trolls I would have to agree with you, but not everyone.

    Remember, you can get rid of the warts, but you can't cure the Herpes!

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