
All b.s aside is magic real, were is the proof, and i'm not talking about, that u have to believe. ?

by  |  earlier

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Can any one provide actual proof!




  1. No one can provide actual proof that magic exists, not now anyway.All we have is faith and belief.

  2. Ok, just watch Chris Angel.  You truly can't prove it no more than you can prove ghosts are real.  But if you have to see it to know its real then the very air we breath is a myth and not real.

  3. Do you mean the Hairy Botter shooting fireballs out of his fingertips and flying on a broomstick sort of magic?

    That sort of magic exists only in fantasy.

    Do you mean a magician making a rabbit appear out of a hat sort of magic?

    That sort of magic is trickery.

    But there is another sort of magic. I believe it is real and there are positive changes in my life which I attribute to it, but I can no more prove that to you than you can prove to me that my life as it is now is due to nothing more than random events in an indifferent universe.

    In my experience, the most profound underlying truth about magic is that it will only happen if you believe magic does happen, but even then the effects will occur in ways that non-believers can easily attribute to pure chance.

  4. ok is prayers real they work...

    spells are like prayers...

    magick is about using the energies that are all around us and using it  to get something we want..such as with a problem...ect

  5. The question is about reality not magic. Reality is a very difficult thing to define because it is so subjective.

    When you see a magic illusion and you cannot figure out how it is done, then there is no difference between it and the some thing due to magic. And that's the beauty of it and why we love to be entertained in this way.

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