
All girls like different types of boys.....right?? (answer if your african american)?

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is it true that if you are light skin your suppose to like dark skin boys and if your dark your more attracted to light skin boys? i ask this because im light skin and i LOVE light skin boys. either my color or lighter. but my friends who are my color (or lighter) like dark boys!! why is this. does everyone just like what they like or am i strange?? all my dark skin friends like light skinned boys!! please explain!!




  1. im attracted to both dark skinned and light skinned guys, i guess some people just want somthing different from themselves sometimes, its a good question

  2. I'm guessing it's just preference.

  3. lol

    your kidding

    Uhmm you just like whoever you like there is no "certain-race" like it all varys  

  4. suppose to like nah either u do or don't im Italian and i have datd african americans i prefer darker skinned men but not because im suppose to so it's all in your own perference,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,u like what u liek type thing!

  5. Uhm.. Am African American Female, and thats what you just like and No am actually brownskin and attracted to men of all races n religion, but black men specfially am attracted to darkskin men. I just think they gorgeous.  

  6. i don't know what it is either but it isn't a bad thing.

    it doesn't mean you are weird or anything.

    you just like what you like and that shouldn't be a problem.

  7. i'm light brown but black and i am with a white guy.

    omg, maybe its something wrong with you!!! maybe you got hit by a magical white elf who cursed you! and now u only like white pale guys!

  8. theres no rule on what color people you find attractive depending on your color. difernt people have differnt tastes

  9. this is stupid.

    it's whoever youre most attracted to.

  10. I don't like light skinned or dark skinned boys

    I date interracially.

  11. Well I'm bi-racial..half black half white..I've personally been attracted to alllll kinds of guys but that MYTH that light goes w/dark and vice versa is really sad. You like who you like. You should not have to justify it.Period.  

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