
All has gone quiet on Bens second rehab to the USA?

by Guest45526  |  earlier

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Is this because it's off season,? or are the public sick of all the media stuff.?

After all Ben doesn't appear to say anything about his indiscretions




  1. They are now saying that he is not sure when he is leaving due to the massive fires in malibu california that caused thousands of evactuations.that is why he has not let yet.Apparently..

  2. The whole Ben Cousins saga is an embarresment to the Eagles, AFL and media.

    Of course they are now back-peddling and scrambling around trying to avoid law suits.

    I'm sure his lawyers have instructed him to say nothing...though I bet he is dying to tell the public & media "HA HA suckers!"

  3. I think Ben is doing the right thing by keeping quiet.

    Anything he says will be twisted by the media to make him look worse!

    I really do hope he does well.

    After all, He has still not fallen off the wagon, Diazepam is a drug prescribed for people coming off certain addictions, so he was obviously doing everything right.

    Good Luck to him ♥

  4. I wouldn't be surprise it all gone quiet because it off season. We still hearing about it here in Perth and I'm getting sick of it now. I reckon he paid the media to shut them up.

  5. It's because its none of our business when he gets on/off a plane, when he does/doesn't take drugs or when he does/doesn't scratch his balls.

    I can't believe the media attention around it.  He was crucified before any charges were even put to him.

    Personally I think that as long as he doesn't test positive to performance enhancing drugs (which he hasn't) then I really don't have a problem with anything he does.  Drugs are a culture in young people in general, and whether we like it or not it will continue to be.  Respect him for what he does on the field, and disregard what he does off.

  6. The media savaged him when he was first arrested last week- it was trial by media yet again. But then the charges were dropped and everyone looked a little silly. Also, the hint by Cousin's management that their may be legal repercussions against the Police, the Eagles, the AFL?(perhaps the media who ran the story?) would have instilled a bit of calm too.

  7. It's probably the best way to have it.  I suspect the public, like me, don't know what to think any more.

    Something about being in this spot always comes back to me from the Lindy Chamberlain case.  In an interview she did a few years back, she said nothing she could say in public would ever be taken the way she meant it.  Once public opinion is against you, nothing you can say is right.

    Most publicists/ media managers will therefore recommend the 'keep ya trap shut' approach.

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