
All i think about is boobies,, Is there something wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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Not like in a sick or perve way. I just always end up thinking or noticing boobies.

Boobies FTW.




  1. there is something wrong with you if you DONT think about b*****s and *** all day because testosterome > everything else

    hormones ftw

  2. Yes thier is something wrong....

    You should be thinking about how you can get access to boobies all day long

  3. were you breastfed?

  4. YEah your a man!!!

  5. hahaha

    nahh you are a guy

  6. You seem to lack enough boobies in your life.

    We desire what we don't have enough of.

  7. Not at all.

  8. You have a sexual fetish for b***s.

  9. yes. something wrong w/ u.

  10. Haha! same :]

  11. Sounds like a bird fetish.  Try thinking about titmice instead.

  12. b***s are good!

  13. No, there is nothing wrong with you, especially if you are a male of tender age going through puberty.  This behavior, bordering on obsession, is quite normal for someone the age I noted.  As long as it does not get in the way of other things, se la vie.

    But there are more important things for you to be concerned with now, like schoolwork.

  14. its normal dont worry

  15. As long as it's not taking over your life. if you are finding yourself unable to do schoolwork or a job, or can't concentrate when you are having a conversation etc then it's a problem.

  16. Yeah, there is something wrong with you allright...

    You have no taste.

  17. of course you're just fine

    be happy

  18. It's a serious affliction called "being a heterosexual male." Don't's mostly harmless.

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