
All members can see every message ever sent. Can we set a date to purge off old messages?

by  |  earlier

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More or less, we don't care about messages older than 6 months. Can we set a date to delete all the old messages? We don't want to retain them for any reason.




  1. if the archives are open, members can deleted their own posts.  there is no auto delete of old posts- you'd have to then delete them yourself and it's 30 to a page.

  2. Contact Yahoo and ask them to do it for you. It's a lot easier.

    Contact them at:

    Have fun!

  3. Yes, you can, but it's a manual method, and only the owner or moderator can do it. Simply check the messages you want deleted in the list (you can do one page at a time) then delete. Otherwise, if you turn off the message archive then turn it back on, you will loose all your messages, even the recent ones. There is no command to do exactly what you want. It'd be nice though.

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