
All my climbing roses and rose bushes have black spot pretty bad- Is this it for those roses?

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I was hospitalized for several weeks and my boys went on a watering frenzy-watering hours each night. They saw the leaves turning yellow and watered more-leading to this. Some of my canes look bare already! can they be saved? I am using fungicides for days now but see no results.

will they regrow next year providing I remove diseased leaves and stuff? I have much around them, I guess I need to remove that too just in case.




  1. remove all of the diseased leaves from the plant and from the ground around the plants,

    spray with daconil2787  according to directions

    remove all badly damaged canes

    this will get you into winter

    during this winter

    you will need to spray the plants with Dormant Oil Spray(feb/ march),

    it is amazing because it will keep the plants safe from the black spot during the winter and into the spring when the new growth will come in healthy.

    buy your boys a copy of the Ortho Home Gardeners Problem Solver for future use----then they can look in it and tell what is going on and fix it if you are out of commission again. It is a great resource.

  2. I'd say to remove all of the yellowed leaves, and remove the mulch.  Then replace the mulch.  If you give them a shot of fertilizer now, and prune the canes back, you might get some new leaves yet this fall.  

  3. When it is time for pruning prune out the dead stuff,and prune back if necessary. Your roses will grow again,but you have the black spot for the duration of the bushes life.It is basically in the ground.I have black spot on all my roses,it's one of those things we get here.Primarily due to Humidity.The bush just gets weaker each year.The big problem is- you can't put a new bush in the same place as the old one,because of the disease been in the dirt.

  4. All roses get black spot by the end of the season.  If your boys were constantly watering and watering on the leaves this will have increased the problem for this year.

    The rose has thrown the damaged leaves because they are diseased and not because it is dying.  Next year you will start with a clean slate.  If it is still warm where you are you may find they will re shoot, but because of the amount of black spot (and if the season is autumn) the new leaves will become infected.

    The spores for black spot lie dormant in the soil over winter and then splash up onto the leaves with rainfall etc. in spring.  It is a good idea to remove the fallen leaves and re-mulch and always water at the foot of the plants not on the leaves.

    I never spray my roses (I live in a dry climate), and at the end of summer/ beginning of autumn they get black spot the leaves fall for winter and new healthy leaves appear in spring.  You may always get black spot if you live in a very moist climate just part and parcel of having roses you are not necessarily doing the wrong things, spaying can help and some rose varieties are less susceptible.  Don't worry easily fixed.  

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