
All my friends have boyfriends and im all alone! Help!?

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okay all my friends have a boyfriend there head over heals about! And every friday there out with him on a date and im stuck home! What do i do get a boyfriend? cause i dont think i can do that. And plus i feel so left out when there going to homecoming with there boyfriend and im probally going alone! Help!!!




  1. ohkaayy just to let you kno u dont have to have a boyfriend!!! its ok not to...besides u shouldnt just date someone because thats what all ur friends are doingg...and u can have funn without a date to homecomingg im sure all your friends wont be dancingg with their boyfriends for every dance, too...but if you do really like a guy then i would suggest to just start talkingg to him as friends and then see what happens...hope everything turns out good!!!!!

  2. that's how i was for a while. i was really worried about it for a long time. i was always like "geeze, why do i never have a boyfriend?" and the honest truth is you just have to see what's out there and see who comes along. don't sweat not having a boyfriend too much, once you get one it's kinda time consuming but it's worth it. :)

  3. deal with it girl.

    welcome to my life , been like that for a while now.

    n i aint even ugly!

    lol no 1 is ever happy

  4. I was like that for a while should i get a boyfriend? but now i like being single i mean you can go out without someone questioning you and you can talk to different guys without feeling guilty. trust me being single isn't all that bad. A lot of my friends actually broke up with their bf's or wish they could find the courage to!

  5. try to find other things to do, it'll make you stronger in the long run

  6. come to buthead

  7. Get implants....

  8. Katie's right!

    Enjoy your single-ness - You don't have to be alone - take time out to spend with your friends. Do things that you like!  truth is, you're more atractive to the opposite s*x when you're having fun and looking happy than when you have a constant pity party about why you have no bf.

    Don't believe me.. get a mirror - look at face and posture when you're thinking about being alone...

    then ..

    call up a friend, plan an evening doing something like going skating, going for a burger, movies, swimming or shopping at the mall, whatever you like! - and look at how your back seems to get straighter and the colour comes back to your cheeks and the sparkle in your eyes ... who do you think the guys will notice more?

  9. Been there, done that. And i know it's not cool at all. But you don't need a guy to have fun. Go to homecoming with a close guy friend or a guy you're talking to. Don't rush into anything just for homecoming or a good time next Friday. A good one will come your way. Hang in there.

  10. tough luck u cant get guys cuss uir ugly thats uir problemo

  11. try 2 get a boyfriend but make sure hes a good one  caz if not u wont be happy at all

  12. You're all alone?! Psssh! Come on girl! Think of the possibilities! You're single! You are the only one out of all your friends who can go boy shopping whenever you want! You don't have to worry about someone else's needs or likes, you can do what you want, when you want, and alone at homecoming!? Go with another single girl, all the single guys will notice and feel less pressured, because everyone else is to preoccupied! You have the upper hand my friend! XD Good luck!

  13. Well I am 17 years old and I have never had a girlfriend I mean I have played around with a few ,and all my friends have girlfriends so I know were you are coming from.  

  14. There is no easy answer my friend.  The best thing you can do is just pray about it and let god work things out.  I stayed single forever and wondered when I was going to find the love of my life.  I am now dating someone and he is being hot and cold with me.  I'm confused.  It just takes time to find someone good.  I know it seems like all the good looking and fun guys are taken but you can't give up hope.  Hang in there.  It will get better.  

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