
All my friends have had boyfriends and kissed them but i havent and its really upseting !?

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right im 14 and im a girl btw

well my friends have all had boyfriends and like snogged them

my friend asked me id like in a couple of months time we could go to this club (made for under 16's) but i dont want to and my friend keeps asking me if iv snoged anyone . i dont want to go to the club to get snoged just incase i mess it up . and like i have never had a boyfriend and it doesnt help everyone having one and talking about it ... if you dont get it dont answer cos it really wasnt easy writing this . and nothing mean please .. what will i do ??





  1. well if ur really deperate then just try and get a couple of boys between no n then to practice with. ur not gonna end up marrying dem so just have fun n mess around. then get a bf wid confidence.

  2. You will grow up and in a couple years from now will be laughing at how you feel right now.

    Don't feel pressured. It all comes naturally.I've been there.

    Good Luck  

  3. Why don't u just go to this club and kiss boys, you don't need to worry about messing up, remember, everyone needs to start somewhere.

    hope this helps you

  4. Don't worry you have all your life left to snog a boyfriend you will soon get one then you will feel better about it, then you will find its no big deal

  5. so what?

    "You can't hurry love, oh you just have to wait, she said love don't come easy, it's a game of give and take."

  6. Hi Haylie...I understand the pressure you are under.  The pressure in my school to kiss and have s*x was HUGE because it was such a small area and there wasn't a whole lot else to do.  Well I fell into the pressure and I had a baby when I was 16.  My sister also had a baby at 17.  My other sister though, is 16 and has never kissed a boy and has no problem with it.  I concentrates on school and work and does great.  What I am saying is you do what you feel comfortable doing.  Not what everyone else is also might be surprised how many people are NOT doing what they say they are doing.  Go at your own pace...your so young and you have so much time, there is no reason to rush it.  You don't need to go kiss a bunch of other boys for "practice" either like some people said, because more than likely that will put you in a situation you do not want to be in.  Go slow, and as difficult as it is, don't worry so much about what your friends think.  Take care, girl.  

  7. Snogged means kissed right?? Anyways I would go and kiss the random guy

  8. What is snoged?

  9. Haylie there is absolutely nothing wrong with not having had a boyfriend at 14. At 14 you think you are grown up - you are not! Just go at your own pace and ignore any pressure. If you read all the questions in these pages you will see how many hassles so many young girls get into dating too young.

  10. dont be down at my HS the supooosely cutest guy didnt get a GF till junior year, just do  your thing and guys will come to you, and 14 is still young uve got plently of time

    dont let ure friends pressure u into things u really dont wanna do, if its  cause ure shy about trying a new thing go, but if u really dont wanna dont

  11. you will find a boyfriend you will have many in the years to come until you meet your mr right.enjoy your freedom while you can.

  12. Who cares if you havent had a boyfriend yet, im 15 and i still dont have one neither have i kissed a boy. Just because your friends have boyfriends and have ''snogged'' them doesnt mean you need to do the same. Your time will come, most of my friends have boyfriends and i dont see anything fancy about their relationship because all them seem to do is kiss and argue lol, btw going to a club has nothing to do with getting snogged, just enjoy yourself.

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