
All my little girls want to do is dance. Should I force them to pursue other activities?

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They are 5 and 8. My 5 yr old has done ballet for 2 yrs and wants to add jazz/tap combo this year. My 8 yr old has done ballet for 5 yrs and jazz and tap for 2. They refuse to try any other sports/activities and I'm ok with it but wonder if this is healthy. Any thoughts?




  1. I think it's great that your daughters have found something they love. Dance is a great way to keep them fit and healthy, and even better, they enjoy it. I always wished I'd started dancing at a younger age. Also, unlike a lot of sports, dance won't just keep them fit, it will teach them healthy lifestyle practices, as dancers have to eat really well and train every day. So you've found something that your daughters love doing, that will keep them fit and healthy, and teach them good eating habits. What's the downside?

  2. That's good, keep enrolling them. I wish my mom has enrolled me in a dance class...


  3. it's fine it just means they've found something they love doing. i wouldn't advise you to force them to pursue other things because if they really like dancing they might end up hating you for that. just let them carry on and don't worry most little girls love dancing at first but a lot loose interest at about age 11- 15  

  4. Finding children who are so so eager to dance as yours are is a true gift. I commend you! I also commend you as you do not seem to be one of those pushy mums!

    Now, as you probably know, dance training has to start young. In a few years your little 8 year old will be old enough to audition for a full time ballet school (whether it be the royal ballet school the Australian ballet school or another highly acclaimed place.) Sometimes, (i know at the RBS) they take children who have never danced before, if they show enough musicality etc. But ballet training does start young.

    I think that if you nurture your children with this art, they could be great. Don't push them too hard, or they could burn out. But if dance is their passion then don't withhold it. Encourage their passion by buying them ballet books, taking them to see ballets, giving them dancing dvds, and more. Make sure they attend a high quality dance school.

    As for other sports and activities, many children only do one sport or activity. You could always see if they wanted to do Girls Scouts or acting classes or musical instruments or something, but like anything, dont push them.

    Your little girls sound like they have a natural love of dance, which is something that should be nurtured, and not withheld.

  5. No No  No!

    thats torture for there little young minds,

    think about it, they grow up and there not dancers like they wanted to be, and there stuck with some boring thing... there all depressed.... crying... cause all they wanted to do is make there mother proud....

    you should help them pursue there dreams,

    and dancing is healthy, =D

  6. Well I think its all about finding the right balance :). They need to have free time but its also important for them to pursue what they love. And I don't think it matters if they do other activities or not, just as long as they have enough time to relax from activities.

    Good luck.

  7. May be they are gifted with the talent.  Instead of forcing your kind of sport/learning on them, leave them free and let them do their thing.  On the contrary you can assit them by choosing better tutors and encouraging them.  

  8. You should encourage them, if they plan to be professionals these are crucial years, and they need to keep dancing! Just beware of burnout, but if they're enthusiastic go for it!

  9. nooo dont force them...if its wat they love them let the do it. I've been dancing since i was 4 and i'm turning 16. ITs my life, it keeps me busy, discipline and at least my parents are assured that i'm at dance not somewhere else. Its my outlet..when i have a bad day, or upset i go dance it out. If its wat they love let them dance...they may change there mind in a few years. I bet  its good excersise, and they prolly make new friends!  = )

  10. Whatever keeps them of the couch and gives them something positive to look forward to is great.

  11. Its fine. They should totally pursue it! I wish my mom did something like that. I play tennis, but i choose to that on my own. I wish i could play and instrument or speak another language because sometimes i wish i had more talent. Encourage them every bit. It really does work wonders on their confidence!

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