
All my plans have changed again does this happen to you?

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All my plans have changed again does this happen to you?




  1. life is what happens when you are making "plans"

  2. Sure.

    Planning is easy, but execution, that's tricky.

  3. Often. Just last month I had to call off one of my diamond heists (some exceptional 19th century pieces). Because my "inside man" was taken to hospital with appendicitis! Six months to plan and nothing to show for it!

  4. nope. i avoid plans like a plague for just this reason. I'm still young and i can afford to do as much but i can understand frustration and befuddlement at changing plans.

  5. Refer you to the old adage- "the best laid plans of mice and men (include women here)". So you are in good company.

  6. Never, becuase I make no plans.

  7. We have given up making plans since a few years back ... live each day as it comes.  

  8. "Man, Master of His Destiny," O. M. Aivanhov.

    "Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

    "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton.

    "Mindset," Dr. Carol Dweck.

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis.

  9. Yes many times right at the last moment!

  10. Yep! I just let most things come to me now LOL

  11. Not today I'm still unsure as what i'm going to do.

  12. It really is rather pointless to make plans for a future that no one is guaranteed to have...that in fact does not even ever exist. There is no moment but this one, the last one is not real, the next one never arrives. Here and now is all there is and ever was. Plans are only for those who can't seem to let go and let it all flow the way it is going to anyhow.  

  13. never ~i just get on with enjoying life .

    i prepare for the next day and what it may bring rather than plan for disappointments.

    hope you all have a nice day .(whatever it brings)

  14. I think it does happened to me, that I changed for the better or for the worse.

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