
All of a sudden, both my cats are losing patches of fur...?

by  |  earlier

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and i have no idea why.... any suggestions? and if there is, do you know how to stop it? I know it's not fleas, i made sure they are fully powdered all the time.




  1. Ok its not that big of a deal so don't worry! just go to the vet or groomer and they can tell u whats going on!  

  2. It's possible the powder is what's causing the bald patches. Too much of anything isn't always good. Instead of powder try Advantage. It goes on the back of the neck and works for an entire month. Also, if your cats are indoor cats and don't have fleas then they really don't need to be treated for fleas unless you have another pet who is bringing them in the house.  

  3. Are your cats indoors or have access to the outdoors?

    Your cat could have many types of fleas, from mange, ringworm, to stress in thier lives.  THe flea powder could be doing this too.

    The only way to know is to talk to the vet.  Also, switching to a flea product like advantage or frontline will be safer, and more effective than using an over the counter flea product.  

    Flea powder is dangerous, and if the cat has ingested enough of it, it could cause death, or serious nerve impairment.

  4. Are they circular patches.  Could it be ringworm.

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