
All of a sudden my 2 1/2 year old has begun stuttering. Is this normal?

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She doesn't do it all the time, but it seem when she's trying to get an answer to something quickly, she can barely get her question out.




  1. My daughter did this. From when she was 2 until about 3. She saw a speech therapist who was basically useless!!! All we did was slow down when talking to her, give her chance to finish what she is saying (not finish sentences for her) and don't ask her too many questions, allow her to speak when she wants to.

    She is now 4 and hasn't done it for ages. I'm sure your child will grow out of it.

  2. Yes, it is normal. My sister just turned 3 and she stopped stuttering about 2 months after she started, which was in january.  

  3. Take him to a doctor and have him diagnosed.  Could be early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

  4. my little sister did the same thing when we were little. just all of a sudden she started stuttering and it freaked my mom out. but she stopped after about a year.  

  5. Wow i am surprised at some of these answers ...When children are just grasping speech they tend to want to say more than they can and they belt the sentence out without thinking and they tend to stutter why someone said Autism i am not sure because when my son Thomas was this age he couldn't say anything at all, she is talking this is the main thing , i would just tell her to slow down and you will find she will fit his words in without the stutter

  6. Stop shouting at him

  7. It isn't normal, but that doesn't mean she is a stutterer. She may just be experimenting with sounds. If it persists, or if she only does it around people and not when talking to a pet or herself, I would see about taking her to a speech pathologist. My son is two, and he repeats things, but he doesn't stutter... that's not to say "my son is better than your daughter" or anything.

  8. Yes.  At this age, children's mouths tend to run faster than their brains.  They're also learning new vocabulary which they are trying to fit in to their daily language.

    Just give your child a chance to say what he/she wants to say and don't finish sentences for them.  If this issue doesn't seem to stop, then seek help from a doctor.

  9. Stuttering has to develop sometime. All you can do is be patient when he talks. Don't rush him and try not to get frustrated, they can feel your frustration and that don't help it hinders. Good luck.  

  10. well yea hes 2 1/2 he is just beginning to talk bigger words it will be hard for him to pronounce them

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