
All of my shots are going right.?

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what am i doing wrong?




  1. you might be dipping your shoulder...before you swing try taking some baseball swings and focus on that shoulder.

  2. If you are right handed you are swinging to the left side of your body (outside-in).  This is the path of least resistance for us humans, it's easier.  You want to practice swinging out to the right to strengthen the golf muscles in your core.  The other reason would be that the club face is open or facing to the right at impact.  If that is the case, concentrate on finishing the swing, not on hitting the ball.  Golf has nothing to do with hitting the ball.  That's baseball.

  3. I dunno, but if it is consistent maybe you should just aim left.

  4. you could be aimed that way or you could be aimed to far to the left.....Weak grip could contribute.. Check the fundamentals first, grip, alignment....Lots of people aim the wrong way...Don't aim further left, that will make it worse, and if you aim too far right, you'll come over the top ...Golf is a game of opposites...

  5. then aim left

  6. Hey Waz,

    per our earlier conversations, you really need someone that can provide professional, hands-on instruction. There's a whole myriad of things that could be wrong. Could be the wrong shaft in the club, could be a flying right elbow, could be a weak grip, a whole mess of things that be going wrong as you can see from the responses. Isn't there someone that you can go to that can observe your swing and offer advice?

  7. you could be doin a couple things wrong.  if you're right handed then you might not be rolling your hands on impact causing the clubface to be open when you hit the ball.   also during your swing you might be opening your body towards the target causing the clubface to be open to the right.  and if your ball is going straight then hooks to the right in the air then you are swinging over the top and coming in on the ball and when you make contact you are putting spin on it.

  8. Check the following areas: Your grip, if it is too tight you will struggle to square the clubface at  impact. If your left hand is holding the grip too much in the palm of the hand, hold the left hand more in the fingers.

    A ball going right is often associated with the hands in front of the clubface at impact, Try to feel the clubhead overtake your hands a moment before impact. This is the feeling of letting go the club or correctly releasing it.

    Your swing path cuts across the ball like a tennis cut action.Try visualising a top spin tennis action and feel your arms and hands swinging from behind your body and out to the right of your target. Obviously, this is for a right handed player, the opposite holds true for a lefty.

    A ball position too far  towards the right foot will also affect the direction of the ball. Too much off the left foot will also help you swing the club more too the left at impact creating the push or slice shot, and make your shoulders more dominant in the swing. Keep the shoulders passive.

    Alignment, you could be aiming right! and actually hitting the ball straight!

    As you can see there are numerous reasons for the ball going right.

    You need to become more aware of the down swing path of your hands and club, they should feel like they are swinging to the right of your target.

    One critical move on the downswing is to feel the hips moving/ turning gently to the left and pulling the hands and club into the back of the ball on a inward to outward path.

  9. if you're a righty, then you're swinging too hard and pulling your hips through first.

    slow down, and pull the club through first with your arms, then follow through with your hips.

    it's probably a baseball swing you're bringing in, which is bad for a golf swing.

    if you're a lefty, then you're just pulling the club over when you come through.

    try to just keep it square all the way through the ball.

  10. I have a baseball swing as well but my instructor said i wasnt turning my hands over enough before i made contact with the ball creating right side spin. All he said to do was try as hard as you can to hit the ball with the toe, the farthest part from you. If your swinging correctly then it will straighten out your ball flight. Also i saw one of the answers was that he was turning his hips into it too soon, I do that as well and it doesnt seem to affect me, also if you watch golf a lot most of the pros do throw their hips foreward so that their body brings the club around not just your arms creating less power needed from your arms and longer hits : )

  11. If the shots are going straight right than you are leaving your clubface open at impact.  If the shots are slicing to the right you have an Out to In path (cutting) that is making the ball spin clockwise and slicing your ball to the right.

  12. you are most likely swinging over the top, i had the same problem for a long time. what you need to do is to slow down your swing and make sure that you are taking the right line on your down swing. you can try swinging with a towel under your right are and try to keep it there through you swing. it worked for me and that sounds like it is your problem.

  13. As a right hander, there are a couple of ways it can go right - a push or a slice.

    The pros will tell you that a push is when you approach impact too much on the inside and a slice results when you approach too on the outside. Sound what does this mean in English?

    There are many fixes for both because there are many causes for both. Ultimately you need to fix your down swing sequence

    1) Weight on left leg

    2) Rotate hips

    3) Which drags your shoulders around

    4) Which drags your arms, hands and club

    If any of these things are out of sequence say you did 3) before you do 2) then it can create a slice. If you did 2) and skip 3) then it might result in a push.

    Unfortunately no quick fix, but a great opportunity to get to know your swing better.

    Good Luck!

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