
All of these people seem to know so much about CO2 and global warming?

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Why is it that no one who is a so called "expert" says anything about the earths natural cycles or the orbit of the earth? I have spent many hours trying to find research that can actually prove that the presence of CO2 in the air actually causes this so called Warming effect. If anyone can point me in the direction of a fact and not just upon a theory that is based upon only two hundred or less recorded years of data i would be much appreciative

here are a couple of facts that I seem to keep comming across that you will never here in the mainstream media.

- the polar bear population is higher now that is has ever been

- ice samples from 110, 000 years ago represent a higher CO2 concentration in the air that we predict at the current pace will be in 100+years

- the orbit of the earth is not a perfect circle and we are in a cycle that seems to represent the possible beginning of an ice age

- the hottest months ever recorded anywhere in this country are from 1939

- why do the global warming n***s change their minds and say that we might be in a cooling period after there ocean warming theories etc are proven wrong

- why do the people who are screaming loudest about this " global warming" seem to be the ones making the biggest profits off of the "greening" of the public.




  1. Do not waste your time looking for any evidence supporting AGW. I have spent hundreds of hours looking for it. It is not available. Sir Gallahad, Sir Robin and myself went looking for the elusive evidence of AGW. Unfortunately, Sir Robin was felled by a viscious rabbit with big sharp pointy teeth. Sir Gallahad's life ended in a bloody duel with the Black Knight. All I found was a cup someone called the Holy Grail, but, alas, no scientific evidence supporting the Man Made Global Warming theory. I am taking a few months off to recover from my trip, but have planned on resuming the search later next month. I hear rumors of the evidence existing in Scotland. Somewhere near Loch Ness. If anyone knows where that is, please let me know...Or was the evidence in a pot at the end of the rainbow? d**n I forget.

  2. You and I know they could be wrong.  But if they are right your grand kids or great grand kids will go out into the sun and their skin will burn then peel off their flesh.  I hope their wrong but what if!

      The more the Icecaps melt the more of that stored CO2 is released into the atmosphere.

  3. Conard, there is a lot of money in the GW scam. There are private and government grants for research and other things.

    Nature is cyclic. We do not know enough about our climate to make the generalizations that are needed. It is time for a new ice age. GW may be the only thing that is keeping us from the glaciers.

    Back in the early 1950's if you stood on top of Mount Washington, across the river from downtown Pittsburgh, you could not usually see downtown for the smoke. There were many trains going down the valley, and their smoke blocked the view, with help from the steel mills. Then, the railroads changed from steam engines to diesel engines, and the steel mills switched processes. And lo, and behold, you could then see a LONG WAY in the Pittsburgh area. A few years later, along came the environmentalists activists who clamored for the smallest things that offended them. Where the heck were they before 1950? They wanted credit for "cleaning up the air" everywhere.

    Now, there are the GW activists. Why don't they do some real research?



  4. The data on the polar bear population is conflicting.  Some says there're more, some less.  But the scientists looked at ALL the data and found, after years of deliberation that the bear IS threatened by global warming.

    I don't know where you got your CO2 data, but it's wrong.  CO2 hasn't been this high in 500,000 years.  Real data, with references:

    The climate can change due to Earth's orbit.  That causes an ice age about every 100,000 years.  Since the last one ended 10,000 years ago, we're nowhere close to one.

    The 30s may have been hot in the US (although not quite the hottest) but not globally.  Real data:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  5. funny, so perhaps mr. skeptic here will do the research and find the answers to spite us. Go study the weather and tell us what will happen next but we won't believe you.

    Check in astronomy, the planet closer to the sun venus maybe the other has a strong effect from the gases keeping in heat. the green house effect, much of what we know about planetary cores and atmospheres, magnetosphere etc.


  7. Even if global warming is real (despite the recent cooling trend), what can we do to stop it?


    If we try to stop global warming, gasoline will hit $6 per gallon, and the public will revolt.

  8. If you look at what mostly goes on people tend to follow conformity and the money. Although it is true CO2 levels have rising by substantial amounts so to has H2O which is a more potent green house gas. So we are in a warming cycle as our magnetic field has decreased by 30% in the last 3 decades(now that is something) since the poles are changing and we are now having a more circular orbit so the earth can not cool off.

    To your cooling down that is partially true. The low is increasing by 5/10th's of a degree per year mainly due to the H20 cycle(very long thing, you can write an essay on it). Along with a 6/10th's of a degree warmer so they have proof it's just worded to benefit their lovely wallets.

  9. when the money runs out , they will invent more Horror stories to scare people out of more money. Al Gore is a scary Horror

  10. 1) Because the Earth's natural (Milankovitch) cycles are easily ruled out as a cause of the current global warming:

    2) Your polar bear information is wrong:

    3) Your CO2 concentration information is wrong:

    4) We're in a stable portion of the Earth's orbital cycles:

    5) I don't really care about weather in the USA.  We're talking about global warming, not USA warming.  The hottest global temperatures on record have all been in the past decade:

    6) I'm not going to answer a question where you call me a n**i.  Especially since your question makes no sense.

    7) Al Gore is not the only person on Earth.  Stop obsessing about him.  If he's smart enough to make a buck off the scientific reality of the situation, then good for him.


    If you want to research look at all the news and scientist that were alarming the public in the 70's about global cooling, and the impending ice age.

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