
All of you all answer this.....a pyschic told me this?

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that someone like me described him to a T and new he stayed introuble with the law.

Yes he is a 3 time felon.

but get this, i went there to ask a question about school becasue im a nurse continuing my education and she blurted out, and told me this

Yes hes a friend of a friend and i do have a crush on him but he was the last thing on my mind, well, not even on my mind when i went to see her.

well i started seeing him and he dumped me after the second date.

What do you think is up with that, why do you think she had me experience that. I cant understand




  1. She told you that because it was the most prominent influence around you at the time. Psychics pick up impressions and energies from YOU. It's not a faucet that turns on and off on demand with exactly what you want to hear. The issue with the dubious choice of boyfriend had more potential impact on your future than than the schooling did, and that's why that impression was picked up. It was something you needed to hear whether you listened or not.

  2. She did not make you have that experiences, Things in you life were just ment to happen in that way.......... No matter what she told you......

  3. What, you can't understand why she told you something truthful that was important to your life instead of what you wanted to hear about? Maybe because the 3 time felon was going to be a bad choice that might negatively impact the continuing education? Just a guess.......

  4. your a NURSE???  Like OMG do you think the other nurses are watching me?? Omg what do I do?

  5. A genuine psychic might know what is going to happen, but it's not up to her to follow or change that destiny; it's up to YOU, and you alone.  

    You were the one who made the decision to date him, so you were the one who determined that would happen.

    To be honest, more psychics are not genuine.  They make educated guesses based on "cold reads".  They look at your clothing, speech, accessories, clues in your questions, to get a sense of what sort of personality you have and what sort of society you are a part of.  Then they make guesses or "predictions" based on statistical likelihoods.  If she guessed from your appearance or manner that you lived in an impoverished area and were a romantic person, then it's likely that at one time you had romantic feelings for someone who came from a poor background and might therefore be more likely to break the law.  Her descriptions could probably be applied to a lot of guys like him.

    So it's lucky guesses and vague assumptions delivered with conviction and a dramatic manner.

    You need to put less faith in what people *say*, and look more closely at what they *do*.  Be influenced by proof, not claims.

  6. Psychics are BS, and there's your proof.

  7. Your convicted felon Tom friend is going to cause serious damage to your life. I suggest staying away from the guy. ..

  8. A psychic? Hope you didn't give her any money.  She didn't help you at all. they are a fool..

  9. They don't teach much grammar in nurse school these days.

    Shame really.

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