
All parents which would you do? buy your children a games console for christmas or buy a car?

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I cannot do both at the moment this is my situation i can buy a 7 seater car as i have 4 children (no smart comments) and i am a single mum my target to buy this car is just before christmas. Or do i buy my children 6,4,3, 14 weeks old a games console for christmas (not the baby)




  1. games consoles are like 80 pounds - no way near a car lol. and your children shouldnt play vid games yet because this is the years they grasp most info and need to learn ;)

    but them some toys - books action figures but buy the car :)

  2. The car will benefit the entire family-the game consoles are not necessary, the children are too young for one anyway.

  3. Buy the car.  You need it more than they need a games console.  If you really want to get them one, then save up for next year - they are still young.

  4. When I was a kid, I only had dirt to play with.  Buy the car, your kids will thank you when they have attention spans longer than a gnat when they get older.

  5. i would buy a car, because you could use it to go on outtings...with the game they'll b on the house all day, whee u could take the kids to the park or something unexpensive.

    good luck :)

  6. Car.

    With a car you can take them on trips out to parks, museums, garden centers, theme parks, all manner of things.

    With a console, they'll get less exercise, they'll fight over who's turn it is, you'll never get to watch what you want on TV, they won't do their homework, and will end up at 18 with oversized thumbs complaining that they can't fill the benefit form out unless it has a rumble pad joystick with four buttons.

  7. Buy a car, its more practical long term, you will need a car more than a games console.

    maybe get your children a few games which they can play on the dvd player using the remote controle. my 3 year old loves these, there are great ones for kids and you can get them for less than a fiver.

    My daughter plays a racing game where little animals are running and jumping along a track in a forest and you have to collect stars and sweets along the way, its up to a 4 player game, where once one child has finished the race the second child has a go and has to beat the time etc., there is every kind of game available for your dvd player and ther just as much fun, your children are still young so dont really need an expensive games console were it is about £30 a game  aswell.

  8. can take them on many days out and in my opinion they are too young for a console....they are really bad for their develpoment and kids who have them have no concentration.

  9. If the family thinks they should have one so bad they can get one.  I think the car is more important

    Question though they are no where near the same price range not even the down payment is equal to the price of a console.  How are these realted

  10. buy the car, your kids are still small enough to be happy with other things for Christmas, buy them a console next year!

  11. Buy the car, no contest. You can make their lives so much better with simple trips out, picnics etc. The alternative is to raise kids with no exercise, maybe obesity, squabbling over whose turn on the console. The car every time.

  12. Games console and limit the use to when they have finished their homework.

    Use sustainable public transport or walk or better still buy push bikes from the police auction and new cycle helmets.

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