
All polar substances soluble?

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Are all polar substances soluble? I thought glycerol with its OH is insoluble, as substances with OH are insoluble (besides a few).

So if all polar substances are soluble, is there a quick way to identify if a substance is polar?





  1. Polar substances are only soluble in polar solvents in non polar solvents like benzene they are mainly insoluble.

    The other holds also for non polar substances which are usually soluble only in non polar solvents

  2. No, not all polar substances are soluble.

    Dichloromethane and diethyl ether are polar, but they are not water soluble.

    The insolubility of -OH containing substances is usually limited to inorganics. Organic substances with -OH groups tend to be soluble if they have low molecular mass, due to the polarity of the bond.

  3. You are right , all polar substances are not obvious to be soluble.

    Some points should be informed to be soluble :

    1) Ionic concentration product in presence of solute , of a polar substance should be greater than the solubility product of that substance (for inorganic compounds).

    2)It should be observed if there is any bulky group if the substance-in this case it will not be soluble.( 2,3,4 for organic compounds)

    3)The electronegativity inductive effect ,resonance, congugations is to carefully observed in the compound to determine the change of electron density which also handle the solubility of compounds.

    4)We have to know the charector of the groups present in the compounds.

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