
All politicans are becoming corrupt and arrogant, how can we take back the power from them?

by Guest57572  |  earlier

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From Presidents, presidential candidates, senators, representatives, governors, state representatives to even city council members, all lose their way.




  1. I doubt they ever "had the way". There's nothing to do. They've always been corrupt, and short of some miracle, nothing's going to change that.  

  2. "Becoming"?  It's the way they have been and will be.  You have the choice to elect a candidate that you feel is not any of the above.

  3. Blunt force trauma.

  4. Vote them out.  

  5. The solution is either anarchy or shrinking the government to the bare minimum. Less government=Less corruption.

  6. run for office, if you win try not to succumb to the temptation of power, influence, and money. In other words stay honest.

  7. Public campaign finance.  

    Sad fact is that 70% of a politicians job is to beg for money.  If all they can get is money from big corporations that have strings attached or not win, welll .... you end up with a corrupt government that doesn't have The People's interests in mind, they are beholden to the people that funded them.

    Get rid of the corporations power to influence our government, get rid of "career" politicians, and you'll have a real democracy again with people representing the people in their districts.

  8. Voting wisely on both sides of the aisle. Hold them more accountable with our hard earn tax dollars. Give them Pink Slips, like the average American would get, if they behaved in the same fashion.  

  9. You can easily take power from them by voting for SENATORS and HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES, not just president like the most voters.

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