
All ppl who like cats alot plzz answer me!!!!?

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ok what have some of you ppl got against dogs!!??? i love dogs what do u hate about them!!!if you got attacked by one its notthe dog its the owner!!!!i love dogs but at the same time i like cat .....i prefer dogs tho but why do u hate em?????????




  1. One thing. Just because someone loves cats doesn't mean they hate dogs. Duh.

  2. I don't hate dogs, i just like cats more, at the moment i own a dog not a cat (I'm getting a cat in about 6 months though) If anything happened to my dog i don't know what i would do, i live for my dog i love her so much!

    Thats her playing in the garden.

  3. I don't hate dogs. I really like them. However, over the years of owning them has made me realize, owning one is not going to work out for me.

    I had a dog that seemed great around my kids, but it turned out after I adopted her that she was food aggressive. Yes, I know you can train them out of it... not around my kids however. Another dog I had was supposed to  be house-trained. No, it WASN'T.

    After I've nearly had my kids bit by many neighbor's dogs, I've come to the conclusion, that its really better to not even try anymore.

    I mean, the other day, there was a guy walking his little bitty dog. The dog peed on the cement, and its paws got all wet with pee pee, and then it jumped on me ... the guy thought it was really cute and funny. Yeah ....  

  4. I adore cats. Especially Persian and Rag doll ones. But just because I adore cats doesn't mean I hate dogs. I so don't! In fact I have two Japanese Spitz doggies whom I love to death.  

  5. I have nothing against dogs. I really do like long as they belong to someone else. Dogs are big and need more room and attention. Dogs are a lot like kids. Cats are small and need less attention, they are more independent.

  6. Lots of cat owners dont like dogs because dogs often pester and chase cats, but my cat and dog love playing with each other and are absolutely fine with each other. It all depends on the cat's owners experience with boisterous dogs: if you had a kitten and it was constantly terrorised by an overly playful spaniel you would naturally dislike the dog right from the off. And you are right, the behaviour of the dog of the dog is often due to its upbringing and unfortunately there are many unresponsible dog owners around overshadowing the good owners

  7. I am totally a cat person. I don't hate dogs, I just don't care to have them as a pet. A cat is alot easier to care for. I go on vacations alot and I leave my cat home, I don't need someone to come take care of her. Dogs require alot more than a cat. And besides, everyone has a opinion, everyone can like what they like and no one should take it personal if someone don't like something you like. Alot of people I know absolutely hate cats, but I don't hold it against them.  

  8. I love cats but I also love my puppy. Its easy, dogs are cute in a rough kinda way but kittens are cute in a sophisticated way. At least a cat burries its p**p

  9. I have nothing against dogs. In fact, I have one and just adopted a new puppy today. I also have 2 cats, 3 fish and 3 frogs.

    I love all animals.

    Some may have a problem with them, but why should it bother you.

    Everyone has their own opinions.

  10. Calm down! I luv dogs too, and i also luv cats. just cause someone is 'cat crazy', it dosent mean they hate dogs, and vice-vesra.

  11. I am a current cat owner and I love cats, but I adore dogs too!  I grew up with all kinds of pets, dogs and cats included, and have learned that there are lovable, wonderful aspects about owning different types of pets.  I would love to have a dog, but I'm partial to big dogs and can't keep one where I'm currently living because I'm in a condo with a small yard.  My kitty is lower maintenance, fun to play with, great company, and does better with a small space than a dog would.  But as soon as I have a house that's big enough, I'm heading for the shelter to find me a doggie!

  12. I dont have anything against dogs, I have a dog and cat. And secondly I dont hate dogs i love them but sometimes they can be annoying, wont you agree

  13. i love cats. AND dogs. so don't think that just because we like cats alot means we hate dogs. so be nice.

  14. i have 1 thing against a dog that almost gave my sister rabies but our old dog saved her life and our old dog died.

  15. Hello, my cat can't understand your English.  Is this the proper grammar, so to speak. I'm not fluent in English and so my cat. Anyway, that's your opinion. Attitude of the pets, reflects the owner.

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