
All "pro-lifers" are IDIOTS!

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On 06 Feb 2001 04:18:09 GMT, OK. Start defending sperm and ova. ALL alive. ALL human. and ALL *potential* people. OR -- be a hypocrite. What do you call a 37-year -old man? "A 37-year-old undead corpse?" If NOT, you are being inconsistent. Eight weeks into gestation, what you REALLY have is an embryo just transitioning into the fetal stage. ALL babies have been BORN. Abortion has NO effect on them. NOR is abortion "violent." It's merely an operation that involves a NON-sentient entity. ADD to all of the above, THIS: People like YOU are seeking to FORCE childbirth upon tens of millions of women against their will. That's a very real, 9-month-long form of RAPE. Total all of the above up, and only one reasonable conclusion can be drawn about you, and anyone else having your outlook --- You are LOONS. No wonder most Americans properly regard you to be laughingstocks. -- Craig Chilton


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