
All rodent lovers help!?

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ok so my mom said yes,

i got rid of my parakeets todey because she said its one or the other

but she said i cannot get them til x-mas(december 25) which is 156 days

and she keeps saying instead of rat she says a rat as in one and also she says they are staying in the garage in a cage but i dont know what to say to her because i finally got her to budge what can i do




  1. If you can only get one rat, then I suggest you don't get any rats at all. They really need to be in pairs or groups.

    And the garage is not a very good place for them to be. It gets hot and humid, and has a lot of smells/chemicals that could potentially harm your rats.

    You want to try and provide the bet home possible for your rats, and two things to doing that are having two together, and keeping them inside.

    Maybe get a pet she will allow to stay inside, and you know you can care for and provide all of the right things/needs. If you are really set on rats, you will have to keep pushing and tell her what they need. If she says no, I say to move on and search for something you provide the best care. (I know, I repeat myself. xP)

  2. if you really didn't parakeets were right for you and they went to a right home then thats ok

    why don't you save up all your money to pay for an cage then she might think yes you are responsible and let you get two

    just remember animals are forlife not just for christmas

  3. Yeah, I'm with the guys who said it ain't great to dump pets to get others. Even though your mom told you to pick one or the other, the right thing to do was keep the parakeets. Just that in my mind it was a little less rude...

  4. Him ^^^^^

    I agree pets are to STAY with you until they pass away

    I'm sorry but you shouldnt be aloud to have aniamls!!!

  5. Don't get the rats.

    Next year you'll get rid of them for a new animal you want.

    Wait until your older and more responsible so you can have as many animals as you like without 'trading' them in and out of your house.

  6. Let me get this straight. You dumped your other animals so you could get more? How disgustingly irresponsible. You made a commitment to those animals, you should have kept them. What will you do when rats get boring? Get rid of those for the next shiny new animal?

    What you can do is not get rats. The garage is not an acceptable enclosure and it is completely unfair to get a single rat.

    I really don't think you should have any pets until you learn some responsibility.

  7. I don't know exactly what ur question is but tell your mom that rats (especially when bought young and handled often/correctly) are great pets. Their personality can be much like a dog's. Loyal and lovable. My friend had a rat growing up (his mother didn't like it at first either) and it went with him everywhere. His mom fell in love with it too.  Goodluck!

  8. Let me get this straight.

    You dumped 2 birds you were responsible for.


    If that wasn't bad enough, you're planning to abuse other pets.

    I think someone should spank you and never let you near any other animals again.

    But that's just my opinion.


    You aren't responsible enough.

    You aren't caring enough.

    When you get an animal you are responsible FOR THE REST OF IT'S LIFE!!!

    You have to do what's best for the ANIMAL.  Not what's most fun for you.

    You have a RESPONSIBILITY to provide proper shelter to the rats.  The garage isn't that.  You need to keep them inside the house or not at all.

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