
All security forces or MPs?

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Do you like your MOS? If not explain why you don't. if you do explain what are some benefits from being in that occupation.

F.Y.I:female that is intrested in security forces.




  1. Army view.  

    If you are looking for Law Enforcement or Law and Order, that is becoming less and less for the MP's.  Their mission is becoming more combat related and less Law and Order.  They do convoy security, route clearing and other combat ops.  I am not an MP but am an investigator that works with the MP's.  Most bases are using more civilians for L and O these days.  What kind of line of work are you looking for?

  2. My boyfriend is in training and his MOS is MP. So far he loves the training pretty much. Of course right now it is just Basic but once he gets to AIT they will learn more about their MOS.

    One perk of it is once you get out of the force you have a pretty good chance of becoming a civilian cop of you desire.

    Sorry I can't help you out to much. But right now he is liking it.

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