
All the complaints-- does anyone remember the c**p that was done to Marino?

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I hate the Dolphins, and don't care for Marino-- but Miami shoved his butt right out the door-- sure his last couple of seasons were a bit horrific-- but- he was still a star. NFL management is notorious for dumping on a veteran-- and then putting off on the player. People have opinions--were entitled to them- and that's fine-- but who was at Brett's house when he decided to retire? or return? who was in the office when the conversations took place?No one really knows what happened-- they just assume that Marino or in this case Brett was the culprit-- how many of ya'll have participated on a team that you didnt feel welcome? He wants to play, he wants to be happy-- he didnt pick the Jets-- it just happened to be the only team on the list that didnt pose an eminent threat to the Pack. But who the heck wants to be on a team that no longer wants him? Go Brett--- I hope you bring immediate success to the Jets-- pull off a miracle and shut all the actual whiners up!!!!!




  1. Want the truth of what really happened. Well to start off the media loves Brett Favre, he is their darling. What happened in this case is nowadays in the NFL there is a salary cap. And with  that teams have to make decisions to balance the team salary to stay within cap limits. When Brett Favre retired again in March the Packers then had to make decisions to move on and structure their team to fit within this cap. Now Brett Favre decides he wants to come back. They can't afford to have him back with the contract he has. He could have taken a pay cut and not affected the cap as much and they probably would have welcomed him back but he was not willing to do that. He truley did put the Packers in a difficult situation and he knew it. He also knew that he could make the Packers easily look bad seeing that the media would not ever make him look like the bad guy and the Packers knew this as well. Bottom line Brett Favre has been a selfe centerd player for a few years now and it is not reported. I bet you didnt know that most of the Packers players did not want him back because of how he acted last year. He dressed in his own locker room without his teamates and that was hardly reported either.  

  2. Well said, thank you.

  3. The true team players prepare the future guys to take their spot and from what I've seen and heard, Brett didn't do as much as lift a finger for Rodgers.  That's not a team player and that's why I'm no so inclined to believe that Brett is in the right.  Besides, like the other user said, no one wants someone on their team that keeps waiving on the future and coming back.  You either want someone to be committed or move on.  Brett did neither.

  4. Well, as a teammate, would you welcome back a player who had quit, moved on, and then decided to come back??  I wouldn't want someone like that on my team.

  5. packer fans just need to move on.  Favre cant play forever.

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