
All the current Wrestling (Entertainment) champions VS All the current MMA champions: Who will win?

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Fight to the death.




  1. The mma champs. I'm a wrestling fan, but it isn't real fighting. End of story.

  2. MMA did you not see what happen to brock lesner and brock could probably beat any of the wrestlers. I'm sorry steroid fueled actors.

  3. Rampage will teach those guys what a real slam is all about. Silva will pick those boys a part; BJ and Minotauro will give lessons in the meaning of Tapout, And GSP will give them a true Rush. Lawer will lay down the law, and I could kep going, but all I'm goiong to say is MMA would come out on top.

  4. Why do you even ask that. Who would win? Hollywood vs MMA? One is fake and acting, and one is real fighting. You can't even compare the two.

  5. i think HHH could beat urijah faber...but besides that..MMA all the way

  6. This is a stupid question and has nothing to do martial arts, sports combat, or sports entertainment.  I've said it before, it's apples and oranges.

    But just because what you see on TV is fake doesn't mean guys can't fight.  One example, Bret Hart was taught by his father how to shoot fight just in case he had to defend himself if a match went to h**l.  Guys like Dusty Rhoads, d**k Murdoch and Manny Fernadez were known to get into bar fights, Fernandez especially.  Steve "Wahoo" McDaniels was once challenged in a bar by two guys who called him a fake; he broke one guy's nose and gave the other guy a concussion.  Jesse Ventura was a Navy SEAL in Vietnam before he got into pro wrestling, was that part of his life fake too?  

    What you see on TV is just you see on TV.  What you don't see is the other six days and twenty-two hours of the week these guy live.  Wrestling is a hard business, and it's a difficult life to live, and it's claimed a lot of lives prematurely.

    Here's a question, where to you put guys like Dan Severn, Don Frye, and Satoru Sayama (the original Tigermask) who have done both.

    Mixed Martial Arts -- I apologize if I came off as snippy, but what makes you think I'm Japanese, or that I can read kanji? lol.  I'm Canadian, I just read a lot of wrestling biographies and I follow MMA.

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