
All the foreign exchanged studetns I need some help!?

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I wan tot become a foreign exchanged student and need some information on what happens.

I want to go to england.

do have to have ur parents?

does it cost alot?

where did u go if u were ever a foreign exchanged student.

Please help me!!!




  1. Foreign exchange is quite the adventure. I did one years ago and have so may fond memories and experiences. I think you need to find an organisation to go on exchange with (either for high school or college). I went in high school with Rotary International. You might try putting "foreign exchange student" into a search engine to come up with other organisations.

    Depending on how old you are, depends on the type of exchange you do. If you are still in high school you will live with a host family. If you are in university you may have the option of living with a host family (the best way to learn the culture) or living in your own accomodations.

    The cost depends on the programme you choose, and how much spending money you will need. Again look on the internet and research the cost of each programme.

    Remember that there aren't any stupid questions, just stupid people who don't ask. Get as much information as you can so you can make the right decision for you.

    Good luck!

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