
All the great empires of the past have fallen does that mean america is next

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bull c**p if there not an empire there a modern day rome trying to take over the world are you guys blind




  1. One day, America will cease to be the world empire.  It doesn't mean we're next, it could be hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years away, but one day it will happen, even if the sun has to engulf the Earth (which it will in millions of years).

  2. No, the United States is not an empire. They are but a major component of what will be the Western Empire after North America, South America and a few others are melded together.  

  3. Maybe not next, but eventually.  It's built-in in a democracy.  The Democrats are pushing us faster along.

  4. The U.S. has never actually been an empire, but a republic.

    Look around you with open eyes. We are already falling by the wayside. The big business is or has moved overseas, oil companies would rather import oil than drill locally. Our military are not allowed to fight a war to win. Our leaders are only interested in how much money they can muke or cheat the tax payer out of. The races which make up our nation are at each others throats. Our enemies are sitting back and laughing at us, as are are those we previously called our friends.

    Most of the old empires fell from within, not because of an invading force, because of the same thing that we are letting happen to us. What is needed is a strong leader who can't be swayed by riches, a stronger government and army of workers who will fight to get the jobs back and are willing to do what is necessary to keep the jobs here. we are fastly becoming a nation of whiners instead of one that will fight to keep what is ours.

  5. Nothing is forever, but I would not hold my breath that it will happen any time soon.

  6. Egyptian Civilization lasted 3000+ years

    Roman Empire lasted more than 1000 years

    We dont know If America is literally destined to rule the world yet. Anything is possible. America may not even have reached its zenith as yet. Don't believe the hype.

  7. Jim is right.

  8. And just what empire are you referring to?  Tell me about all the nations we occupy today?

    In fact, even after both World Wars, the only land we occupy in Europe or Japan these days is dedicated to gravesites for our dead.

    So put that in your pipe and smoke it, knucklehead.

  9. Probably, but does that mean next week, next year or next millennium, no one knows.  

  10. Seems you are the blind one here. If America ever had asipirations to be an empire we could've taken the majority of you over at the end of WW2. Fact of the matter is that it is too much trouble to become an empire in the classic sense of the word these days. You can say we are the dominant country and in that I would agree with you. We declining economically for now, but that doesn't mean that it won't go back up. America no more means to take over the world than Japan currently does.

    Pfo- I believe that is in 1 billion years >.<

  11. It can't fall if it doesn't exist.

  12. all but the Islamic empire which is still growing until now and its the fastest growing religion too !

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