
All the people who insult and name call these candidates, what will you do after the elections to fill time?

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I mean is there any thing else going on in your life or will you just do the same throughout their administration and prepare for the next election in 4 years?




  1. That is just how people are in this world sorry to say. But don't let it totally bum you out dude. =D

  2. Live.

  3. The democrats will be talking about how the republicans stole the election and our country is too racist to elect a black man.

    Seriously though, I get up and go to work everyday.

  4. mmm.... there should be but im not very sure......

  5. " there any thing else going on in your life or will you just do the same throughout their administration and prepare for the next election in 4 years?"

    I run two business (an online group of websites and offline a residential rental business) and take care of my disabled wife (with no other help). I also visit my 91 year old father regularly and bring him needed items, as well as pay a substantial part of his board and care fees.

    I work 12-14 hours a day, 7 days a week, every week, including doing all of the shopping, cooking, cleaning, and running my businesses.

    But I do take time out to participate in in the vital exercise of American politics, and I will continue to do so after the election, monitoring the criminal prosecutions of the the worst group of criminals in American history, George "King W" Bush, d**k Cheney, Alberto Gonzales, and Karl Rove, and several of their underlings.

  6. Eat pie and watch The Daily Show.

  7. Well we know what Rush Limbaugh did.  He got his start after Clinton won, the big gas bag.

  8. Are you kidding?

    Now I will complain about those in power, how they are not following through on their promises.

    Politicians give you ample opportunity to complain, whine, moan and whimper

  9. By then, most of them will be very involved in the second six weeks of their eighth grade year, and looking forward to Christmas holiday break.

  10. Paco, lol. love your question. I am sure some of these folks will move on to the Lindsey, Paris,Britney Debates.

  11. you got it paco

  12. These candidates put themselves out there for scrutiny and I would expect nothing less for the most important position in our nation- it's the face of our country whether we like it or not.  Unfortunately some people reosrt to name calling, but do really think your question does anything less?  

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