
All the ppl who care for the environment, please help!?

by  |  earlier

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i am making a poster as per my eco-friendly products.

i need some slogans or taglines which says to "reduce plastic" and "re-use wood or glass"

please, let ur creativity control and bring up some influencial phrases.




  1. How about - "Drill for oil in Alaska and save the corn for kids and cows!"

    (Bio-fuels - one of the most inefficient methods of "powering" an automobile!   The more corn used to make alcohol for an additive in gasoline the more our food prices will rise!)

    "Use energy efficient light bulbs and the h**l with the mercury danger!"

    "Paper when you can and plastic when you can't!"

    "Buy re-usable cloth diapers and save the plastic for something important - like depends!"

  2. "If you don't want to reduce plastic or re-use glass, Just recycle!"

  3. One Travel Mug or 6000 Paper Coffee Cups?

  4. you can go on google and search some 'nifty and creative' phrases...

  5. you are in the wrong place

    there are not many people who care for the Environment here.

    you should go to yahoo in Europe.

      Energy Disposed is waste

    Wash the dishes

  6. "Save the earth, save your country, save your town, save your people , help the environment, reduce, reuse and recycle"

    ummm i no its not sooo guuud :S bt anyways....

  7. reduce palstic re use wood or glass

  8. If you don't recycle, we will all die!

  9. if you dont recycle;your a terrorist

  10. well..i think the amazons is very important...maybe you can tell them that if they spent more time investigating the plants and trees of the amazons instead of cutting them down they might find cures for many diseas, maybe even cancer or AIDS

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