
All these drivers that put their foot to the floor on every journey?

by  |  earlier

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are they burning up the oil faster and faster




  1. Yes, won't that please the bleeding heart greens, no oil = no petrol = no cars, we'll all be back to horses polluting the atmosphere with tons of horse sh*t, then we can develop nuclear cars, great.

  2. Yes. And they are to be congratulated for doing so. Since oil, petrol, cars etc are so evil, these people are paying through the nose in tax to rid the world of the filthy stuff as fast as possible.

    Give them Lamborghinis!

  3. You may think that you have a great point to make, but actually, people who brake too often are just as guilty, and old-style, timed traffic lights probably cause people to burn up more fuel than almost anything else.

  4. Of course - but if its any consolation, its costing them more in fuel!

  5. Yep.

  6. Whats the point of buying a powerful car and not using it?

    if you want to be green use public transport rather then blocking up the roads!

  7. Yes they are and very fast....

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