
All these health drinks that are about now Like yakolt and actimel ,do any of them really work. ?

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All these health drinks that are about now Like yakolt and actimel ,do any of them really work. ?




  1. I myself dont like them, but my mom swears by them! If you can drink them try, cause its one of those things where it might work for my mom and not me! ya know! try it...

  2. actimel has been proved to be beneficial but only actimel.  our local hospital were trialling giving them to patients as apparently they can help against c diff. patients are advised to take 2 per day a week before and after leaving hopsital.  

  3. They made me feel better when I was using them.

    But am sure I read an article in the newspaper a few months back at how they are actually really bad for you and made you put on sheds loads of weight...

  4. Yes and no. They do do what they claim, in that they increase the 'healthy' bacteria in your stomach, however this bacteria is very fragile, so only lives for about a half hour. So to get the proper benefit of these drinks you would have to drink one every half hour, which would be terribly bad for you as they are loaded with sugar. Having an increase in this bacteria would settle an upset stomach, but there is no real evidence to say that it will increase your energy levels, which the advertisements sometimes insinuate.

    Personally, i would just eat healthily, exercise and get some sleep.

  5. no my science teachers tell me its a money making scheme - all yogurts have the bacteria in them so just uy a normal yogurt from now on ull save money  

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