
All these men in there prime having a big fight, Lenny Mclean, Roy Shaw, Chopper Read, Charles Bronson not the

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movie star the infamous prisoner and Kimbo Slice, who would come out on top?




  1. Without a doubt in my opinion Lenny McLean, I have read a lot about the majority of the afore mentioned people and I truly believe in my heart of hearts he would come out on top, these guys are famous for bare knuckle fights but they actually made there money in unlicensed fighting which is slightly different (well to the point that they wear gloves but still anything goes) personally I find it hard to believe that Charles Bronson has been included he has a reputation granted but that's because he has spent over 30 yrs inside and something like the last 28 in (one form or another) solitary but that's because he has held 11 people hostage (at different times) and staged roof top demo's he is up for parole soon and has been told he won't even be allowed in the same room as the parole board, so even though he has a notorious reputation just remember it has not come from fighting. All in all as I have already said Lenny 'The Guvnor' McLean (9/4/1949 - 28/7/1998).

  2. The love of violence is pretty sick guys.

  3. well Philip if you knew what you were talkin about lenny mclean was most notorious for his Bare nuckle fighting, wich has totally different rules to ringed boxing, the man was a total loony, but personally a tough choice between him and chopper reed ... lenny got the pure fighting talent, but chopper was a bit of a "phsyco" so i reckon he could take a stupid amount of beatings ... the man did cut his own ear off :S so i say a split between lenny and chopper :D

  4. Lenny Mclean, I saw him fight Roy Shaw  once, he was what he looked . A hard b*****d

  5. Roy Shaw,without a doubt!Ive seen him in an illegal boxing fight(bare knuckle)years ago and he's effing awsome!he did fight Maclean once and won and lost one,he'd slap Kimbo Slice daft!!!or Bronson!!

  6. Easy: Lenny Mclean. They’re all tough b******s, but Lenny was a freakishly tough b*****d. In terms of who has the best fighting technique or skills, it’d have to be Roy Shaw, as he was a brilliant boxer who didn’t give an inch; the only way somebody like Roy could be beaten was is if the person whom he was fighting was much bigger and stronger than him and could not only take effortlessly absorb his punches but return them just as well. Enter Lenny Mclean. Lenny was a freak because he was a lethal combination of speed, agility, size, and a peerless ability to take pain and inflict it. He really was unbeatable, and if somebody did manage to take him down, you could bet your house that Lenny would beat him next time. He was the world’s Guv’ nor, whose reach was far beyond East London.

    As for how Charles Branson measure up, he is a weight-lifting fruit-loop who is neither a great street-fighter or boxer. He’s just a sad fellow who has been institutionalised by prison and cannot live outside of it. Think of The Shawshank Redemption on steroids.

    And Chopper Read was a great street fighter when he was younger – never in the same league as Lenny or Roy Shaw, but still a tough cookie – but his real strengths weren’t his biceps but his brains. He’s an incredibly intelligent fellow who understood how to win gang wars and beat his enemies. I mean, when you consider that he left school at 15, proceeded to enter the underworld immediately, and 35 or more years later he’s alive while his enemies are dead and has carved out a successful career outside of the underworld, that’s an achievement, and something for which you need a brain between your ears.

  7. Yea i ll go with the ole chop chop lol

    Chopper took being mental to a new level, i reckon he would of smashed the others up with the ice bucket lol

  8. Kimbo...

  9. Lenny McLean's twice the size of most of them, if its boxing rules probably him.

    Scott- He posted the question in boxing, and bare knuckle boxing isn't that different its the same general premise, isn't it. But personally i don't tend to read criminals autobiography's. LOL

  10. Chopper easily. With help from a blow torch and a 4-10 shotgun.

    And chopper did not cut his own ear off, a prisoner in pentridge did it for him so he would get transfered to a "safer"  division

    Great standover man.

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