
All these questions on abortion-- do you KNOW?

by Guest63580  |  earlier

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Most people ask about abortion in politics and have a stance on the issue, but 80% of them don't really know everything there is to know about abortion. If you are Pro-Choice, do you know all the types of abortion, or have you only heard about one or two? Do you know what abortionists say about their experiences? If you are Pro-Life, do you know what to say to make people listen?




  1. Most don't.  Many insist that abortions only take place up to the 12th week or so not realizing the millions of later term abortions that have been performed.   Some also claim we must allow it if the mother's life is in jeopardy and that counts for an infinitesimal amount of abortions..

    Ultimately many people don't care.  If killing a preborn human makes their life easier then they are fine with it..

  2. I am very willing to hear all points of view before I base a decision. However, when my mind is made up, such as it is with Pro-Choice, I'm willing to hear your argument just not willing to change my mind. Valid as your argument may be, the reverse is just as valid.

  3. I am unquestionably Pro-Life.  I can give an educated argument against abortion, however, those who are for it are no more likely to listen to my argument against than I am to listen to theirs for.

    Also, it's funny that it's become a political tool.  Bush is against abortion, but it's still legal.  Let's elect someone who is committed to actually outlawing it.

  4. I perform abortions in my time off so yes, I know all I need to know.

  5. I do my own homework thank you....I am pro choice but I am against abortion. It's not my place to tell another person what they can or can not do if it does not affect me.

    Have you adopted an unwanted child from your high horse you are on?


    You don't judge others but educate them on what is right ?? LOL Who says you are right ??? I'm glad you enjoy your children, but you don't agree with abortion and fight for these babies lives, what do YOU do for them after they are born?? You probably HATE, no health care for them, you won't adopt just want them to live in poverty or grow up criminal eh? Good Choice...good choice....

  6. Yes, I do know the different types of abortion.  Thank you.

    I do my research on issues in order to fully support them.  I am stil pro-choice.

  7. I guess if males could get pregnant would there be an issue?  

  8. I am pro-choice, I don't believe you should be against it until you are put in a position where you have to make that choice, which I was in 4 years ago. There are many OTHER reasons people have abortions besides just not wanting a child and finances. My bestfriend aborted at 5 months because they told her her child would be mentally handicapped and have no chance of a real life, and it was nothing that she did. I do not believe in later abortions unless there is something that is going to cause the mother to lose her life or the child a unhappy or hard life. I can openly say I had an abortion at 8 weeks when I was 20, not because I didn't want the child, there were several factors involved. So before you go making comments think about why.

    WELL....Person who asked the questions... Who told you YOUR WAY WAS RIGHT? The right to CHOOSE should be the right way and right now that's the RIGHT WAY by LAW.

    If someone rapes me and I get pregnant I have the right to not keep the EMBRYO...

  9. Yes, I do know about the different kinds of abortion. You mean like the forms of partial birth abortion? Yes, I've read about the entire procedure in detail. And yes, it freaked me out a little bit. That doesn't change the fact that I am pro-choice.

    And if you are pro-life, you don't need to make people listen. You need to leave people alone to make decisions that are right for them, not decisions that are right for you.

  10. Do I know the issue of choice is complex? Yes, I do.  Do you know that your view is not the only one?

  11. Yes, I know the different types.  Yes, I know the "wording" used to allow for the brutality of cutting up a child one limb at a time as long as it's done in the womb.  Yes, I know doctors and nurses are allowed to leave a living breathing attempted aborted baby on a cold table or in a trash bin to die without medical attention or even to be held for it's last few hours.  I've done research on it.

    Is there anything I can say to change someones mind? No, probably not.  People care more about the woman's right to not be a mother than the baby.  It's a reality of living in a narcissistic society.  Babies are considered punishment as Obama said.

    Suction Aspiration: Suck out the baby/fetus

    Dilation and Curettage (D&C): Cut up the baby/fetus and then scrape it out of womb piece by piece

    Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): Like D&C but with forceps

    Salt Poisoning (Saline Injection):  Burns and poisons baby

    Prostaglandin Chemical Abortion: Causes woman to give birth.  Some babies are born alive others are killed by hard violent contractions

    Caesarean Section:  Cord is cut and baby suffocates

    Partial-Birth Abortion:  Birthing child feet first. Before head comes all the way out, abortionist jams scissors into the baby's skull and brain is sucked out.


    It is amazing how many people don't even know the types of abortion there are and yet fight tooth and nail in support of it.  Yes, education is lacking.  My mom worked at a pregnancy center which advised women of the stages of pregnancy and the development of that child within them.  Most had no clue about when a heart starts to beat.  About fingers and toes developing with their unique prints.  About when blood begins to flow.  I'm glad you found out.  I hope you are able to help others.

  12. I doubt your false statistics, and most people are very well aware of what an abortion is and that having the CHOICE to make critical medical decisions about ones own body is a basic RIGHT.

  13. No, I do not know about the different types of abortion.  I am a Republican, and I am pro-choice.

    SIDE NOTE: Many people, especially uptight Christian conservatives (and any other religous zealot) are against abortion at any level, wether it be in the first month when the baby is still unnoticeable as being human, or even things like birth control. Some are even against the use of condoms! Try not to confuse Republicans and 'Social Conservatives'.  Republicans are for low government interference and are thus probably pro-choice.

    First Off: There are way too many people in this world as it is. I've seen a lot of white trash families with five P.O.S. kids and it makes me take a different look at abortion. Maybe abortion clinics are doing this world a favor....

    Here are my criteria for green-lighting an abortion (when I think it's fine):

    When the mother was the victim of a rape.

    When the mother/parents can not provide a healthy environment for the child, whether it be financially, emotionally, etc.

    If the mother has a bad disease that would be passed to the child.

    If the child is found ahead of time to have significant defects (missing limbs and stuff like that)

    If the baby is not recognizable as being 'human'.  For example, 2 weeks before the due date is obviously way too late to be having an abortion. But if it still looks like an alien, then yeah, I guess that's fine.

    But I do think father's voice in the matter have been overly drowned out.  Like it or not, the child is the father's as well, and even if the mother wants no part in the child's life, the father should atleast be given the opportunity to raise the child independantly if able.

  14. I don't know everything there is to know about abortion, I don't know everything there is to know about anything, that doesn't mean I can't have a say on it.

    I will listen to arguments by pro-lifers.  But I know enough about statistics to be able to notice the exaggerations and propaganda that tend to accompany these arguments.  If there was ever a good argument sans propaganda it could potentially change my mind.

  15. With all of the REAL domestic political issues, such as poverty, inflation, crime, unemployment, violence, education, healthcare, the economy, foreclosures, AIDS, and homelessness, why the h**l is everyone so het up over a non-issue like abortion?  

    I don't give a fat rat's @ss about abortion because what happens in or around another woman's vag is none of my freakin' business.  And I surely don't want the government crawling up into mine.  I don't have kids, I can't have kids, and I'm sick and tired of hearing about everyone else's kids - especially considering that most people refuse to raise the little brats that they already have.  

    There are WAY too many REAL issues that the president, current and future, SHOULD be addressing besides abortion.  Abortion, or the lack thereof, is not going to resolve Iraq, stop gang violence, or improve the ecomony.  And I refuse to vote for a candidate who wastes time and campaign dollars making the abortion issue a part of his platform.  

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