
All these stabbings .....?

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Is there really anything any government can do? I don't think so, it's a social thing and only those carrying and using knives can stop it from happening, I can't see how governments can prevent it? Views please.




  1. Yes, they most certainly could do something about the rate of crime.;  Globally it has risen sharply, but to do so would permit the populace time to think, and therefore stand against them.

    There is less money/power in times of peace

  2. the government can do LOTS to crack down on knife/gin crime

    1.) raise the sentences, if you get caught with a knife, 5 years without getting years off for "good behavior"

    2.) invest more in youth centers, remember teens have nothing to do so crime is their alternative

    3.) more to help parents for brining their kids up, they normally go out of control at home etc

    4.) more opportunities for teenagers, more apprenticeships, more jobs for teens etc

    5.) MORE POLICE on the streets

    i can go on forever but the Governments can do a h**l of a lot more than they are currently doing

  3. Public floggings for all who carry knives. Tattoo their foreheads so that everyone will know and shun them.

  4. Knife carriers, yobs, thugs, stabbers etc etc.

    Beat them with baseball bats publically

  5. Doing what Andrew says would be the kiss of death to freedom. I agree with him but I would'nt really want to see it happen, It would be the thin end of a wedge.

  6. I tend to agree with you but the government will do anything that they think is a vote catcher but saying that I do think long sentences for those carrying knives and involved might help to an extent

  7. The government could look at addressing wider societal issues that feed into things like street crime (poverty, social exclusion, educational disaffection etc) BUT they choose not to - look at what they are currently doing about the credit crunch - NOTHING. The poorest families are set to become even worse off and they (the government) are deluded if they think this issue will not impact on crime rates.

    In terms of law and policy, I totally agree there is very little they can do to impact on knife crime, gang culture etc.

    Sentencing is not inappropriate (always), the prison system, however is - it is ill -equipped in terms of space, staffing and resources to deal with the issues coming in with prisoners - they are released the same, or worse than when they went in - this is not the mission statement of our prison service, whatever happened to rehabilitation? We don't even attempt that anymore and yet they want to build more prisons? Hmmmm yes, because that will solve the problem for sure . . . (sarcasm)

    I also agree with Kamran, with the exception of his points 1 and 5 as neither of these will work.

    I think the government need to take a long hard look at families and parenting - good kids from good loving homes with responsible, caring parents DO NOT GET INVOLVED IN GANGS!

  8. It's a joke. I think local authorities are allowing these things to happened for some reasons. Chaos.

    Bombing news are quiet. Stabbing is the new thing now. Sad indeed.

    The only solution here is STAY indoors late at night. Actually it is were should this young kids belong. Indoors with the family at late night.

    Everybody need love and attention. Obviously this kids are lost. I don't think gov't can't prevent these stabbings, but individual family can do something about it.

  9. Can't see how tattooing foreheads will help! You'll just get gangs of tattooed people all sticking together. It will be like a badge of honour, like those stupid ASBOs. I don't think the government can do a thing. In the 1700's there was the death penalty for over 400 crimes, and people still kept committing them and getting hanged! There's no such thing as a deterrent. Only by changing the attitudes of the knife-carriers will you make a difference, and who knows how to do that?

  10. Hiya

    i think there are many ways to prevent stabbing in the UK. One way is by blocking up alleyways. Most stabbings happen in alleys. The council have also blocked an alley before (it was my grandads) they asked people about their views and my grandad was for this idea because people kept vandalising the side of his house which was part of the alleyway.

    Not noly this way we will stop vasndalism but we can also stop others too.

  11. We want governments to fix everything, then we'll moan & say they are like Big Brother.

    The only way to stop society going down, like it is, is to change people's hearts & minds.

    Spiritually is the only way, but that is no longer popular.

  12. Maybe today's values are to blame.  Consumerism for a start, it's a disease.  We don't value things as much as we used to and the government will NEVER do anything to address that.


    There are so many things failing in ths country and we always look towards the government to fix things, should we be asking what we can do to change things?

  13. only by banning all knives from existednce or creating a kinfe that only chops up veg or dead meat, but i cant see with of these happening! people are just so stupid!

  14. I have to agree with Kamran on this one.

  15. answered similar questions several times, the government via the police have any powers they want to have.just get the police to increase stop and search and send anyone in possession to jail for five years making sure there is plenty of media coverage.would you then risk carrying a knife with the threat of an immediate sentence of 5 years?

  16. violent crime  has falling in the UK and has been falling for a number of years. It is just at the moment the media has latched onto this to sell papers and increase there ratings and politicians are using it to have a go at the government, neither of them really care about the truth.

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