I live in the US and am a member of a worldwide message board related to a hobby of mine. A big topic lately is surging gas prices and how nobody in the US has the right to complain because the rest of the world pays more.
I need some facts and comparisons, preferably between the US and the UK. When everything is considered... income, taxes, healthcare, housing, utilities, food, average driving distances for work & pleasure, cars per household, currency coversion with the weakening dollar, disposable income... EVERYTHING, is the UK really feeling the same sudden onset of pain as the US?
I just have a really hard time believing it when I'm told something like a conversion of $9/gal in the UK for gas. All things CAN'T be equal. I have no proof of this, but if gas went up to $9 in the US... the economy would stop. Every aspect of US life would come crashing down.
I'm sorry, but I just don't see how the US vs UK can be 'apples to apples'. It must be 'apples to oranges'.